Chapter 1. Introduction to Statics
- Introduction to statics
- Idealizations of mechanics
- Laws of mechanics
- The law of parallelogram
- Types of forces
- Coplanar collinear
- Coplanar concurrent
- Coplanar parallel forces
- Coplanar non concurrent and non parallel
- Scalar quantity
- Vector quantity
- Free vector
- Sliding vector
- Fixed vector
- Law of the triangle of forces
- Lamis theorem
Chapter 2. Introduction to vector algebra
- Introduction to vector algebra
- Magnitude of a vector
- Product of vector a by scalar m
- Addition of vectors
- Subtraction of vectors
- Addition of vectors using polygon method
- Resolution of vectors
- Unit vectors
- Scalar or dot product of two vectors
- Cross product of two vectors
- Scalar triple product
Chapter 3. Two and Three Dimensional Force Systems
- Two dimensional force systems
Moment - Varignons theorem
- Types of coplanar parallel forces
Resultant of two coplanar parallel forces - Couple
- Resolution of a force into a force and a couple
- Resultant of a number of forces
- Three dimensional force systems
- Three dimensional moment and couple system
- Wrench resultant
Chapter 4. Concept of Equilibrium of Rigid Body
- Introduction concept of equilibrium of rigid body
- Equilibrium in two dimensions
- Free body diagram
- Equilibrium in three dimensions
- Analysis of structure
Chapter 5. Friction
- Friction introduction
- Coefficient of friction
- Angle of friction
- Cone of friction
- Static friction and kinetic friction
- Coulomb friction
- Angle of repose
- Wedge friction
Chapter 6. Distributed forces (centroid, centre of gravity and centre of mass)
- Introduction about distributed forces
- Center of gravity and center of mass
- Centeriods of lines
- Centroids of areas
- Centroids of volumes
- Centroidal coordinate of elemental area
- Centroidal coordinate of elemental volume
- Coordinates of centre of mass of composite bodies and figures
Chapter 7. Moment of Inertia of Plane Figures (second moment of area)
- Area moments of inertia in rectangular and polar coordinates
- Radius of gyration
- Transfer of rectangular axes
- Moment of inertia of composite plane figures
Chapter 8. Mass Moments of Inertia (Second Moment of Mass)
- Mass moment of inertia introduction
- Radius of gyration in mass moments of inertia second moment of mass
- Transfer of axis
- Mass moment of inertia about x axis y axis z axis
Chapter 9. Virtual work
- Work done by force
- Sign convention of mechanical work
- Unit of work
- The work done by a couple
- Virtual work
- System of connected rigid bodies
Chapter 1. Kinematics of particles (rectilinear plane motion)
- Kinematics of particles
- Plane motion
- Rectilinear motion
- Analysis at constant acceleration uniform acceleration
- Analysis for non uniform variable acceleration
- Graphical representation x y plane graph
- Distance travelled in the second in constant acceleration
- Acceleration due to gravity
Chapter 2. Plane Curvilinear Motion of Particles
- Position vector velocity and acceleration
- Rectangular components of velocity and acceleration
- Projectile motion
- Tangential and normal components of acceleration
- Radial and transverse components
- Special case circular motion
- Relative motion
Chapter 3. Plane kinematics of rigid bodies
Chapter 4. Combined motion of translation and rotation (general plane motion)
- Combined motion of translation and rotation
- Instantaneous centre of rotation method
- Motion of piston and crank of a reciprocating engine
- Four bar mechanism
Chapter 5. Kinetics of particles
Chapter 6. Work and Energy
Chapter 7. Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum
- Linear momentum
- Linear impulse
- Conservation of linear momentum
- Direct collision of two bodies
- Oblique collision bodies
- Coefficient of restitution
Chapter 8. Plane Kinetics of Rigid Bodies
- Force mass acceleration
- X y plane motion equations
- Translation in plane kinetics of rigid bodies
- Kinetic energy in plane kinetics of rigid bodies
- D alemberts principle
Chapter 1. Simple Stress
Chapter 2. Simple Strain
- Normal strain
- Stress strain diagram ductile material mild steel
- Axial deformation
- Deformation of a bar due to stress developed
- Poissons ratio
- Shear strain
- Shear stress
- Volumetric strain
- Principle of super position
- Simple strain some definitions
- Working stress and factor of safety
Chapter 3. Statically Indeterminate System and Thermal Stress
- Statically indeterminate system
- Thermal stresses
- Thermal stresses in composite structure
- Relationship between e and g
- Relationship between e and k
- Relationship between e g and k
Chapter 1. Introduction
- Introduction to thermodynamics
- Macroscopic and microscopic point of view
- Concepts of systems
- Control volume and control surface
- Homogeneous and heterogeneous systems
- 1 6 1 property
- Thermodynamic equilibrium
- Processes cycles
- Quasi static process
- 1 10 1 reversible process
Chapter 2. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and Temperature
- Statement of zeroth law of thermodynamics with explanation
- Temperature and its measurement
- Ideal gas
Chapter 3. Heat and Work
- Heat and work introduction
- 3 2 1 concept of work in mechanics
- Work done in a quasi static path
- 3 4 2 convention of sign of heat
- Heat transfer a path function
Chapter 4. First Law of Thermodynamics (Control Mass Closed System)
- First law of thermodynamics for a control mass closed system undergoing a cycle
- First law of thermodynamics for a change of state for a control mass closed system
- Different types of stored energy
- The constant volume specific heat
- Enthalpy
- The constant pressure specific heat
- Specific heats of solids and liquids
- Energy of isolated system
- Perpetual motion machine of the first kind pmm 1
Chapter 5. First Law of Thermodynamics (Control Volume Open System)
- Open system and control volume
- Equation for conservation of mass
- Equation for conservation of energy
- Steady state steady flow energy equation
- Examples of steady flow processes
Chapter 6. Second Law of Thermodynamics
- Conversion of work into heat
- Conversion of heat into work
- Kelvin plank statement of second law of thermodynamics
- Clausius statement of the second law
- Refrigerator and heat pump
- Equivalence of kelvin plank and clausius statements
Chapter 7. Camot Cycle
- Introduction to carnot cycle
- Working of the carnot cycle
- Efficiency of carnot cycle
- Carnots theorem
- Absolute thermodynamic temperature scale or kelvin scale
- Absolute zero on thermodynamic temperature scale
Chapter 8. Clausius Inequality, Entropy and Irreversibility
- Clausius inequality entropy and irreversibility introduction
- Reversible adiabatic paths do not intersect
- Clausius theorem
- Entropy
- Entropy temperature plot
- Clausiuss inequality
- Entropy change in an irreversible process
- Principle of increase of entropy
- The degree of irreversibility of and irreversible process
- Summary of first and second law by clausius
- Practical use of entropy principle
- First law and second law combined
- Analysis of thermodynamic equations
Chapter 9. Properties of Gases (Real & Ideal)
- Ideal gas or perfect gas
- Specific heats internal energy and enthalpy of an ideal gas
- Entropy change of an ideal gas
- Reversible adiabatic process
- P v and t s diagrams for pv c
- Equations of state
- Law of corresponding states
Chapter 10. Air Standard Cycles
- Introduction about air standard cycles
- Internal combustion engine terminology
- Otto cycle
- Diesel cycle
- Operating principle of four stroke petrol engine s i engine
- Operating principle of four stroke diesel engine c i engine
- Performance of i c engines
Chapter 11. Properties of Pure Substances
- Properties of pure substances introduction
- Heating of ice
- Heating of pure substances other than ice
- Temperature enthalphy graph formation of steam
- Temperature and specific entropy diagram for steam
- The process of thermodynamic and their various properties
- Types of steam table
- Mollier diagram h s axis
- Team power plant simple rankine cycle
Chapter 12. Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle
- Vapour compression refrigeration cycle introduction
- Simple vapor compression system
- 12 3 presentations of processes on p h diagram
Chapter 1. Properties of Fluids
- Basic fluid mechanics and properties of fluids introduction
- Definition of fluid
- Properties of fluids
- Classification of fluids
- Kinematic viscosity
- Variation of dynamic viscosity with temperature
- Compressible fluids
- Incompressible fluids
- Concept of continuum
Chapter 2. Fluid Statics
- Fluid statics introduction
- Fluid pressure at a point
- Pascals law
- Pressure density height relationship
- Atmospheric gauge vacuum and absolute pressure
- Static and total pressure
Chapter 3. Measurement of Pressure
Chapter 4. Fluid Kinematics
- Fluid kinematics
- Lagrangian method for describing fluid method
- Eulerian method for describing fluid method
- Lagrangian relationship from eulerian equations
- Steady and unsteady flows
- Uniform and non uniform flows
- Stream line
- Path lines
- Streak lines
- Acceleration of a fluid particle
- Continuity equation
- Continuity equation in three dimensions in differential form
- Continuity equation in a cylindrical polar coordinate system
Chapter 5. Dynamics of Ideal Fluids
- Bernoullis equation
- Total head velocity head pressure head datum or potential head assumptions made for deriving bernoullis equation
- Applications bernoullis equation
- Basics And Statics of Particles
- Basics and statics of particles introduction
- Units and dimensions
- Laws of mechanics in basics and statics of particles
- Lamis theorem in basics and statics of particles
- Parallelogram and triangular law of forces
- Vectors
- Resolution and composition of a force
- Coplanar forces
- Resultant of coplanar forces
- Equilibrium of a particle
- Equilibrium of a rigid body
- Forces in space
- Equilibrium of a particle in space
- Equivalent system of forces
- Principle of transmissibility
- Single equivalent force
- Highlights of basics and statics of particles
2. Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies