
Meet Our Team of Experts

At My Homework Help, we take great pride in our exceptional team of subject matter experts who bring together the perfect blend of expertise and flexibility. Our rigorous selection process ensures that only the most qualified professionals with verified academic credentials become part of our team.

When you choose us, you have the opportunity to confidently review the impressive credentials of each homework helper. From awards and ratings to customer feedback, you can assess their qualifications to find the best fit for your assignment. This personalized approach guarantees that you receive tailored solutions and exceptional quality work.

Rest easy knowing that your homework and grades are in safe hands with us!

*Note: Some of our experts maintain anonymity to protect their professional careers. By moonlighting as homework helpers, they can utilize their skills and passions to make a positive impact while maintaining the privacy they value. Rest assured, all experts at My Homework Help undergo careful vetting for their experience and academic credentials.

Akshay Kapoor

  • Master's Degree

518 projects | 180 reviews

Academic Writing Accounting Finance

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Analytica92 Pro

  • Bachelor's Degree

159 projects | 86 reviews

Academic Writing Economics Statistics

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Ananya Sharma

  • Master's Degree

542 projects | 243 reviews

Academic Writing Business Management Writing Services

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Anete Jansone

  • Master's Degree

153 projects | 43 reviews

Academic Writing Business Management Writing Services

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Corporate Guru

  • Master's Degree

1120 projects | 183 reviews

Business Management Entrepreneurship

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Creative Wordsmith

  • Bachelor's Degree

659 projects | 141 reviews

Academic Writing Literature Writing Services

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Dr. Chen Wei

  • Doctorate (Ph.D.)

850 projects | 120 reviews

Accounting Auditing Taxation

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Dr. Li Wei

  • Doctorate (Ph.D.)

359 projects | 170 reviews

Academic Writing Biology Biotechnology

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Dr. Samuel Mwangi

  • Doctorate (Ph.D.)

660 projects | 159 reviews

Biology Biotechnology Health And Nutrition

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Ji-hoon Lee

  • Master's Degree

490 projects | 123 reviews

Engineering Mathematics

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John Tan

  • Master's Degree

650 projects | 187 reviews

Computer Science Web Development

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  • Bachelor's Degree

562 projects | 142 reviews

Mathematics Statistics

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Max Reynolds

  • Master's Degree

309 projects | 79 reviews

Engineering Mathematics

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Ninja Coder21

  • Master's Degree

201 projects | 99 reviews

Computer Science Web Development

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Samir Hussein

  • Master's Degree

284 projects | 155 reviews

Accounting Auditing Taxation

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Sofia Müller

  • Master's Degree

460 projects | 88 reviews

Academic Writing Anthropology Womens And Gender Studies

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Tutor Eston Erick

  • Bacherlor's Degree

153 projects | 0 reviews

Academic Writing Economics Finance Psychology Statistics

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Tutor Cynthia Wanjiku

  • Doctorate (Ph.D.)

308 projects | 101 reviews


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Tutor Stefan Radu

  • Doctorate (Ph.D.)

316 projects | 113 reviews


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Wei Liang

  • Master's Degree

345 projects | 102 reviews

Economics Finance

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Writer Prachi Singh

  • Masters Degree

298 projects | 0 reviews

Literature Physics Psychology

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Writer Anna Alikhnova

  • Master's Degree

182 projects | 49 reviews

Academic Writing Business Management Entrepreneurship

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Writer Sofia Rossi

  • Doctorate (Ph.D.)

389 projects | 110 reviews

Academic Writing Biology Biotechnology

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