When stating about projectile motion, in simple words, it is stated as a two dimensional motion. Any particle body when thrown near the surface of theearth, it moves in a certain motion along its curved path, that too under the action of earth’s gravity. That motion is called projectile motion.
After analyzing from a graph, you will find that there isn’t any presence of x component of gravity.
From that analysis, you can see,
ax= 0, and
ay = -g
Let initial velocity be, (vx )0
When initial velocity remains the same throughout the projectile motion, another equation comes to the forefront.
V x = (vx)0
vy = (vy) 0 –gt
x = x0 +(vx)0 t
y = y0 +(vy)0 t -gt2
v2y = (v y)20 – 2g (y – y0)
After calculation, if you do not find x0 and y0in the initial phase, which you can find as x0 = 0 and y0 = 0, then you need to start the same calculation from the beginning.
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- Introduction about distributed forces
- Area moments of inertia in rectangular and polar coordinates
- Mass moment of inertia introduction
- Work done by force
- Kinematics of particles
- Position vector velocity and acceleration
- Rectangular components of velocity and acceleration
Links of Next Mechanical Engineering Topics:-