Atmospheric Pressure:
Atmospheric Pressure is the pressure exerted by weight of atmosphere on different fluids. At sea level, its standard value is considered as 101.325 Pa.
In fluid mechanics, certain other phenomena are also considered such as gauge pressure, vacuum pressure and absolute pressure as shown in Fig. 2.4
P = Total Pressure
Pabs = Absolute Pressure
Pg = Gauge Pressure
Pat = Atmospheric Pressure
Pvac= Vacuum Pressure
Absolute Pressure:
The pressure which is measured from absolute zero level and below vacuum pressure is called absolute pressure.
The pressure above atmospheric pressure is the gauge pressure.
Vacuum Pressure:
The below atmospheric pressure is called vacuum pressure.
Mathematically, these pressures can be formulated as,
- Absolute Pressure, Pabs =Guage Pressure, Pg +Atmospheric Pressure, Pat
- Vacuum Pressure, Pvac= Atmospheric Pressure, Pat–Absolute Pressure, Pabs
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- Introduction about air standard cycles
- Properties of pure substances introduction
- Vapour compression refrigeration cycle introduction
- Basic fluid mechanics and properties of fluids introduction
- Fluid statics introduction
- Fluid pressure at a point
- Pascals law
- Pressure density height relationship
Links of Next Mechanical Engineering Topics:-