Fluid Statics deal with the study of fluids when they are at rest. It is assumed to be incompressible and in stable equilibrium condition. When fluids are at rest, there is no relative motion between the layers of fluid. This means the value of shear force is zero. Fluid statics is also termed as Hydrostatics.
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- Introduction to statics
- Introduction to vector algebra
- Two dimensional force systems
- Introduction concept of equilibrium of rigid body
- Friction introduction
- Introduction about distributed forces
- Area moments of inertia in rectangular and polar coordinates
- Mass moment of inertia introduction
- Work done by force
- Kinematics of particles
- Position vector velocity and acceleration
- Plane kinematics of rigid bodies introduction
- Combined motion of translation and rotation
- Rectilinear motion in kinetics of particles
- Work and energy
- Linear momentum
- Force mass acceleration
- Simple stress introduction
- Normal strain
- Statically indeterminate system
- Introduction to thermodynamics
- Statement of zeroth law of thermodynamics with explanation
- Heat and work introduction
- First law of thermodynamics for a control mass closed system undergoing a cycle
- Open system and control volume
- Conversion of work into heat
- Introduction to carnot cycle
- Clausius inequality entropy and irreversibility introduction
- Ideal gas or perfect gas
- Introduction about air standard cycles
- Properties of pure substances introduction
- Vapour compression refrigeration cycle introduction
- Basic fluid mechanics and properties of fluids introduction
Links of Nextย Mechanical Engineering Topics:-