What is the Principle of Super Position?
The Prniciple of Superposition states that the net outcome of strain will be equal to the sum of the algebraic value of the strains. These algebraic values are availed due to the individual forces acting on or along the length of the member.
If X and Y are two different responses produced by the input A and B respectively, then you can say that the resultant of (A + B) would be (X + Y).
The two different properties are-
- Homogeneity
- Additivity
When for a linear system, these both properties combine then it is called the Principle of Superposition.
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- Rectilinear motion in kinetics of particles
- Work and energy
- Linear momentum
- Force mass acceleration
- Simple stress introduction
- Normal strain
- Stress strain diagram ductile material mild steel
- Axial deformation
- Deformation of a bar due to stress developed
- Poissons ratio
- Shear strain
- Shear stress
- Volumetric strain
- Principle of super position
Links of Next Mechanical Engineering Topics:-