Bars are made up of different elements. Each material tends to perform different function and act as a barrier to deformation. Whether it is simple bar section or composite bar section, the deformation of bars can be carried out due to stress developed because of loading or bending.
Determination of stress developed in a bar is an important aspect to avoid deformation or failure issues when load is applied on it. The analysis of deformation can be done by using the principle of statics and taking some assumptions of non-deforming materials.
The applied force or torque is considered for determining the actual distribution of load per area or stress in that particular member or bar.
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- Rectilinear motion in kinetics of particles
- Work and energy
- Linear momentum
- Force mass acceleration
- Simple stress introduction
- Normal strain
- Stress strain diagram ductile material mild steel
Links of Next Mechanical Engineering Topics:-
- Poissons ratio
- Shear strain
- Shear stress
- Volumetric strain
- Principle of super position
- Simple strain some definitions
- Working stress and factor of safety
- Statically indeterminate system
- Introduction to thermodynamics
- Statement of zeroth law of thermodynamics with explanation
- Heat and work introduction