Fluids can be defined as the substance that flows under the application of force or due to gravity it tends to flow. Liquids and gases both are considered as fluids. Plasmas are also considered as fluid. For example- brake fluid or hydraulic oil. It has no fixed shape as it deforms in the shape of the container it gets stored.
In fluid mechanics, liquids and gases are assumed to be incompressible that obey Bernoulli’s Theorem. Fluids are used in the different fluid systems to convert one form of energy into another form. Some of the fluid systems include torque converter, liquid volume converter, etc.
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- Ideal gas or perfect gas
- Introduction about air standard cycles
- Properties of pure substances introduction
- Vapour compression refrigeration cycle introduction
- Basic fluid mechanics and properties of fluids introduction
- Definition of fluid
Links of Next Mechanical Engineering Topics:-
- Properties of fluids
- Classification of fluids
- Kinematic viscosity
- Variation of dynamic viscosity with temperature
- Compressible fluids
- Incompressible fluids
- Concept of continuum
- Fluid statics introduction
- Manometers measurement pressure
- Fluid kinematics
- Bernoullis equation
- Basics and statics of particles introduction