The interests have been developed in recent years which state the idea that a profitable gain can be attained by the employers when they are in the competition with their own staff. And how can one do that, if you ask? The techniques like borrowing goods and services by the marketing team to the customers who are stated potential. ‘employers of choice’ has been a common status used by major originations in the market of manpower and labor in order to attract the applicants who are perfect fit from the employees who are potential. Under such a technique, the firms who have succeeded, in fact, have taken their recruitment costing to the fall as they receive much more applications which are unsolicited.
These approaches are working successful for those firms who are in the market from a long time and have create a brand reputation or image as an employer in front of the applicants. Now, creating such a brand reputation and image is easier for the larger firms as they are in the market from a long time as compared to those firms which are smaller or restricted to a particular specialization. But sustaining such a brand reputation is something as benefits the firm as an employer. The chief element to such a reputation is the environment and distinct working experience they offer to the applicants which includes flexible hours, friendly environment, job security, beneficial packages and strong development of future in that field. And these exercises are then termed as the unique selling points to the applicants.
And in order to find out that unique selling point is to conduct the staff survey among the employees of the firms. But such a survey is just waste of effort and time if not conducted on fair premises. The roots of such surveys must be restricted to the experience of the employees in the firm and not creating a false image about the company. And this one of the reasons why employers resign just after weeks or months when they are promised false speciation or selling points by the firm.
And thus, management needs to be particular when they are trying to generate the unique selling point of the firm as it will help them to conduct the same reputation in front of the applicants who are potential employers for the firm. And then, the aim in every recruitment process and advertising a vacancy must be repeating those selling points whenever necessary. You can use such quotes and points in advertisement campaign, career fares, internet sites as well as literature of recruitment. And one of the important step here is to announce such unique selling points among the staff as well because the potential applicants conduct their own survey about the reputation of the firm internally, which means word of mouth. And such a step will be a great success in attracting the potential and right applicant to the firm as compared to competitive organizations who are searching from the pool of candidates in the labor market.
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- The nature of human resource management
- Strategic human resource management
- Planning jobs and people
- Strategic aspects of resourcing
- Contractors and their contracts with consultants
- Recruitment
- Determining the vacancy
- Internal recruitment
- Methods of recruitment
- The recruitment methods compared
- Recruitment advertising
- Drafting the advertisement
Links of Next HR Management Topics:-
- Control and evaluation
- Correspondence in recruitment
- Shortlisting in recruitment
- Summary propositions recruitment
- General discussion topics in recruitment
- Selection methods and decisions
- Staff retention
- Ending the contract
- Strategic aspects of performance
- Organisational performance
- Individual performance management