A key to a successful recruitment procedure also involves a proper communication with the subsequent candidate who is interested in the position that a firm has advertised and the same must carried in a professional manner. But what about those who need a casual information or inquiry on an open vacancy in a firm! Well, one must treat those candidates in the same manner. Such an inquiry is not advertised by any mode but just word of mouth.
And thus, for a firm it is important to create a good reputation and impression on casual inquiries too. Why, if you ask? Well, a firm does not want to lose a right candidate especially if other competitors are actively participating under the market of manpower and labor. Casual information to a candidate might seem like an unnecessary and sometimes a costly procedure for a firm, but they must treat this criterion as an opportunity to sell their vacancy to the right candidate from a huge pool of applicants. Some of the common exemplars are:
- The information on the specified responsibilities is provided in advance
- Advertisement copy is provided for further reference
- Advertisement paper like brochure specifying the vacancy on the same
- A book with collection information on the agreements
- Handful information about the company
But what is also significant is the track the process of recruitment on every step. One can use a manual or digital method to perform the same in order to inform the rightful candidate about their status on the vacancy and what stage they are lying on. In any case, it is the responsibility of the firm to inform the outcome of the candidates upon their interview and application. Such a step will help in fewer inquiries by the candidates who have already applied to a position. And if a firm is planning on NOT to hire an applicant, it is important to inform the same to the candidate rather than not answering to their calls or inquiries at all.
Avoiding a response will leave the candidate unattended which means they might not be sure on whether they shall apply to some other job or not. Such a strategy is unethical and unlawful. One of the appreciable and appreciated platforms is to inform the candidate by sending an email or a letter of regret if they are selected for the position. In order to maintain the motivation, the firm might include the reason of not hiring the candidate and what stages they really need to work upon. Such a platform will help the candidate to improve their profile in a right direction.
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- The nature of human resource management
- Strategic human resource management
- Planning jobs and people
- Strategic aspects of resourcing
- Contractors and their contracts with consultants
- Recruitment
- Determining the vacancy
- Internal recruitment
- Methods of recruitment
- The recruitment methods compared
- Recruitment advertising
- Drafting the advertisement
- E recruitment
- Employer branding
- Control and evaluation
- Correspondence in recruitment
Links of Next HR Management Topics:-