Learning Outcomes
Worst part of my job
The low points of my job is where I have to interact or communicate with an employee who have previously gone through an injury which was work related. Sometimes employee needs to change how they interact and spend time with their family, which is very difficult. However, I try to ignore this by discussing the critical nature of safety before he performs any task given to him.
Best management advice ever received
The best possible advice is to yourself choose the battle you have to fight. I am very enthusiastic about my field of work. Sometimes you just have to let the passion of work decide what you should do. I always take on the things that might have a nice impact on everything and thus HR department will have a better and more calculated partner.
A Manager’s Dilemma
In this chapter, we will be learning about how the human resource department of a company actually works. Once there is an organization, it needs to have employees, and employees need to be hired. This is where the functioning of the HRM (short for Human Resource Management) comes into play. This functionality of this job is mainly to have the right people working for the particular job at the right time, failing to do so entirely become the responsibility and carelessness of the human resource department. In this chapter, we are going to cover crucial areas, which discuss the process, every company’s manager has to go through and some of the common and recent HRM issues which the manager faces.
What Would You Do?
The company’s workforce ensures the quality and standard of the enterprise, and this entirely falls under the HRM challenge. It is a known fact that they maintain the success of every organization; it needs to have hardworking and talented employees irrespective of the fact that the company just started or it’s a long and ongoing business. Therefore, in a nutshell, every manager has to go through this hurdle when organizing the HRM. At some point or the other, the manager has engaged in HRM activities, for instance, interviewing candidates for the job or shuffling employees among departments, evaluating one’s work. However, once the HRM team becomes ready, the above-mentioned job automatically goes into the department of HRM.
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- Management and organizations a managers dilemma
- Understanding managements context constraints and challenges
- Managing in a global environment
- Managing diversity
- What is social responsibility
- Managing change and innovation
- Managers as decision makers
- Foundations of planning
- Strategic management
- Basic organizational design
- Adaptive organizational design
Links of Next Fundamentals of Management Topics:-
- The human resource management process
- Identifying and selecting competent employees
- Providing employees with needed skills and knowledge
- Retaining competent high performing employees
- Contemporary issues in managing human resources
- Case application 1 thinking outside the box
- Case application 2 social connections
- Chapter twelve summary by learning outcomes
- Managing your career
- Preparing for my career managing human resources