17B. The Context of the Competence Movement
If you look at ancient history, you will find how our ancestors used to protect knowledge zealously. And when knowledge is not shared appropriately, the resultant can be similar to what was faced by Even in Garden of Eden. And this was also something that as shared 400 years ago by Francis Bacon. He believed that knowledge is extremely powerful and if it is utilized in a correct manner, it can influence anything to work on both ways (negative and positive).
Similarly, educating about a certain work and providing training for that is no doubt important. But it is only a trainee who understands the issues related to it the struggle to complete their training period.
If you take a closer look at every country, at present, you will find how developed it has become with time. With communication and spread of knowledge,it has become possible that more development can be observed in every sphere. This has always been the point of prime importance where with enough knowledge there has been growth in economies too. This growth can only be seen if the stimulation to impart details is stimulated on time.
Well, it has been a known fact that most of the institutions that deal with knowledge prefer having those individuals who do have a thirst for knowledge and the eagerness to search for it.In many areas of France and Britain, you will find people occupying prestigious posts who are focused in sections dedicated to thinking and analyzing about human conditions or falling in the arts category.
Apart from the elite jobs that are highly sought- law and medicine; there are also other professions that are considered to be extremely prestigious. As we were talking about human conditions and studies based on them,the subjects of importance are as follows:
- Theology
- Philosophy
- Language
- Classical civilization
- History
- English
If we keep aside the subjects of arts, there comes science. It is a major section but took a majority of time to get flourished when compared to other sections. Especially for these countries, engineering is valued but not more than chemistry or physics. In these places you can see that value of practical skills is not much than that is for the knowledge of the same aspect. This is the reason for which noteworthy institutions representing a stronger grasp in the area of knowledge is highly preferred.
Now, when we shift back to labor market, knowledge regarding a specific position or a number posts are preferred most by a majority of companies. You will find that when companies hire people, they see if they are able to sell the information with their words rather than trying to manipulate items.
There are many instances that prove that the above statement is apt. We being present I the digital world are surrounded by computer codes. If you see the salary slip of the person who writes codes for arcade games, you will see it higher than that of the person who creates the instrument to run it.
In the same way, an advertising company pays more to present the launch of an advanced machine than the expenditure of making it. This has given a tough competition those students who chose physics as their major subject but are now seeing less scope and even lesser payment for their work that will eventually perform in the future. This makes them change track when it comes to profession. In most cases, the students move either towards accountancy or merchant banking.
The above given scenario was only in France and in Britain. However, you will not see something like this in other countries like Japan or Germany. In such countries, knowledge is appreciated, but practical skills do occupy higher prestige for an individual or an institution. Here knowing about the important skills of engineering is considered more useful than its concept. Policy makers highlighted these facts because they know how much vocational skills can bring more benefit and positive shift towards a company.
The shift from knowledge to practicality was no doubt tough. If we go back and check in the 1940s, probably in the later era, there you can find the earnest effort that has been made to bring advancement in the society. Unfortunately, the effort did not succeed.
There were universities for technological studies. But with time, those too got converted into the universities of generalized level. Even the given degree was of BSc, showcasing the fact of them not being real at all. Again in the 1960s, there was presence of boards dedicated to industrial training. The follow up of that was seen in the 1970swhere industrial training was removed and polytechnics were introduced.
Many government policies did come during the time afterward1970. It was during the 80’s when some of the government policies with its authorization took hold of the curriculum. They with their centralized control started taking control on the number of students who were allowed to study. This was achieved with the help of different fee structure for different groups of students.
When controlling over the schooling of children, the emphasis that the government made at that time was related to practical vocational skills. It mainly saw the capability of the student and with what expertise can that student use their information after their vocational training. The idea of this approach is to ensure that the students become eligible in both theoretical as well as in practical skills and use it for themselves.
Agenda related to this training method is created analyzing the capability that an employer wishes to see in his or her employee.
Things to consider
Often you will meet with a range of people who are voracious readers, or they prefer educating themselves more than the average count of people. Nevertheless, there are places where studying is considered more of a nuisance than being something of huge benefit.
If you visit Singapore, there is a specific café in a shopping mall, which is situated on Orchard Road. The café owner does not prefer customers coming to that café and studying. What you will find hanging from that establishment is a huge notice suggesting that no one can study in that café.
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Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- Introduction leadership and motivation
- Managing absence and attendance
- Interactive skill 3 appraisal interviewing
- Strategic aspects of development
- Context competence competencies
- National training framework
Links of Next HR Management Topics:-
- Competences and nvqs
- Behavioural competencies
- Summary propositions general discussion topics and further reading in context competence and competencies
- Learning and development
- Career development
- Strategic aspects of employee relations
- Recognition and consultation