Summary Propositions
As you have already read about competencies, NVQs and other types of training framework, by now, you will be having a fair idea of the important aspects of these topics. The same has been highlighted here as a summarized version of the concept that you have read in the entire chapter.
When researching through the various national training framework aspects, you will find 3 sections of major importance.
- Skills and Learning Councils
- Sector Skills Councils
- Investors in People
These facets assist in the encouragement of NVQs and competence movement.
When we discuss about competencies or competence (singular), we mainly talk about various job standards. Again, this does not end with it. Competence is involved without put too. Now there is a stark contrast when it comes to understanding competence and competency. When we relate to competency, it actually is talking about input. In as implified sense, this input is related to behaviour.
Currently, there had been various attempts made for strengthening the training process. This training procedure is not just for those made in the general sense. This strengthening procedure is for vocational training. Development on this aspect is entirely based on qualifications whose foundation lays on competencies.
Here the focus is more on the approach to ability development. The direction of work is towards trainees so that they can learn or hone the skills to perform the skills of any particular task. These works may either be related to a specific task directly or indirectly. It can be stated that it is based on direct line of work or preparations for it.
There are various vehicles with the help of which this learning can be easily attained. One of the simplest types considered for it is NVQs or National Vocational Qualifications. These qualifications are in arrays to acquire competence.
Where NVQs has proved to have many advantages, it is also to be considered with the type of criticism that it has to pass through. It was in the initial period when this framework had been proposed; it saw most criticisms in the form of varied questioning about its ability. Where most companies did not refrain from stating the ill factors of adopting their framework, nearly 2.5% of the 5% (in total companies adopting this framework)made sure to use this framework in an unwise manner.
Apart from this, more criticisms also came from areas like:
- Different types of standards and its qualities
- Generality
- Bureaucracy
- Assessments
- Questions related to all the above sectors
There are appreciations related to behavioural competencies. The role of which this acclamation is gained is related to HR processes and their integrative mechanism. This has been of great help with the training techniques, which most companies do follow. However, the point that is disapproved is its limitation to perception.
Seen as a major drawback, the perception of behavioural competencies is not towards seeing the future but looking backward. This issue makes these competencies misleading as well as limiting when used as a singular term.
General Discussion Topics
- ‘It has been said that the approach made by Boyatzis is related to a management based on competency. There have also been severe criticisms made on this approach, stating this to be highly complicated.’A. Do you agree with this statement?
B. If yes, then to what extent does your assumption favors the answer? - How will you explain the differentiation of the terminologies among:
A. Competency
B. Competence
C. Skill
- A review has been presented in the year 1996. There were few aspects present in that review.
As per this, there will be few difficulties. State the method on how to overcome such issues.
Further Reading
As stated in this chapter, the vision of government highlighted ‘National Policy and framework’ to be having an overview of excellence. This consideration is most likely to be from the perspective of vocational education on a national level and training based on it. It also showcases the fact of this info and training procedure getting implemented.
It is via this chapter that you will find out about the present approach and its development. In addition to it, this will also focus on the issues that arise on this aspect.
In order to acquire Iip status, it is important to deal with bureaucracy. When it is related to medium or small sized enterprise, the time which is required to concentrate on its working procedure has been denoted as a form of barrier. While going through the information, you will understand how important in the SME sector the attainment of Iip is.
In order to get the entire concept clear, an important step was undertaken. 2 study type specifications were taken–one highlighted the qualitative side, and the other highlighted the quantitative side. The main concern was the addressing of certain levels.
- Advantages of Iip
- Inhibitors to IiP
- IiP commitment and triggers dedicated to it
- Commitment and the varied interests to Iip
- Awareness levels related to Iip
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- Introduction leadership and motivation
- Managing absence and attendance
- Interactive skill 3 appraisal interviewing
- Strategic aspects of development
- Context competence competencies
- National training framework
- The context of the competence movement
- Competences and nvqs
Links of Next HR Management Topics:-