Review of Part II
‘Angela is leaving hence we must be really quick to ensure that we have an advertisement in the journal of this month. ‘
‘The situation is very hopeless. They are going to leave soon after their training is completed, so what really is the point?’
‘It is not really my fault that the staffs are not getting recruited.The quality is quite poor henceforth’
‘The consequences are so poor that it is compulsory to let certain people go. Hey Tony, justdraw up a list of probable and let us have the problem sorted within this week.’
The part 2 of the book started with this kind of imaginary discussion in a business house. The people here do not possess even basic of HR skills. The last 6 chapters in the book have been trying to make people understand the way to avoid such situations. During the different situations concerned with staffing, these are some of the primary questions asked and whether some employee be recruited in order to do a particular work.
The question whether the things need to be organized again to cover for an employee with the staff that is already present. The answer to the questions, are present in the different facts of situation of a strategy of resourcing and the way in which the plans have formed as discussed in the chapter 3.
When it is decided that a new worker is to be brought in, a set of activities take place and that decides the method that would be used to get to the labor market and hire the men. Different discussions will be made regarding the best way of approach as well as the market where they are presently working. The vacancy would be shown so that the potential interviewees can reap the benefits.
Different selection methods are usually used to ensure that the ideal candidate is recruited for the job. The face to face situation that arise in selection interview, include the different two way based discussion which ensures that the person chosen is very much suited for job as well as the position in the organization and of a particular culture. The person coming for the job must be able to get all the satisfaction and prizes that the contract of the job promises.
After the appointment is completed, efforts must be made to keep the employee in the office. The people should be doing their job in the way which is expected of them. Hence everything is required to be complete to facilitate the terms of the contract of employment is met with. Often it is found that employees are leaving for better opportunities and the people of HR need to realise that there are lots of ways for ending the contract without facing any difficulty. It can be impractical to even suggest that the termination of jobs leave the employee to be content. The level of discontent that the person has can of course be lessened by treatment of the matter in a thorough manner and staying within the limits of the law.
This review will be ended with the abridged part of a parable, written by Jon Billsberry.
A planter wakes up from sleep and finds that thieves have got hold of an ornamental pot which had lots of plants forming the heart of an award winning competition. The program by BBC called Gardener’s World, is slated to visit his garden in few months’ time and cover the entire garden for the show. Hence he has to take some measures to solve the problem and find a suitable replacement.
After taking one look at the edge concerned, he gets it that there are lots of options open for him. He initially thinks he would go to garden center and get another pot for himself and place another fashionable plant in it and hence in a way recreate what was present earlier. However he soon pauses and tells himself, that this is a window of opportunity for him, as now he can create something which is even better. He even begins to thank the thieves for making a favor on him.
The pot actually had been a little problematic for him of late. It had been a part of the garden in a superficial manner and always stood out from the rest. With the vanishing of the pot, the other plants surrounding it looks all the more amazing too. Rather than discovering a centerpiece, he thought of getting something that would make the other plants stand out even more.
Hence he decides that he would get hold of the smaller plants that would make other plants really stand out. The choice he has to make is of course limited by kind of soil available to him as well as the amount of sunlight which is being received. Therefore an analysis is required to identify the proper plants.
He asked the question from where he could get the plants really fast. He had lots of options, but time was a constraint hence he went to the local garden center riding on his car. He chooses his plants here quite easily as he has an idea regarding what he wants. He buys the proper compost as well as fertilizer to ensure proper growth of the plant.
Prior to planting shrubs, he is seen to be spending a lot of time ensuring the conditions are right for the plant and also the border is proper. After placing new plants in, he regularly waters those plants and does what is required to keep away the birds. The development of the shrubs is done in such a way so as to ensure that they complement the others really well. When the team from BBC came to look at the border, they remarked that it looked different from the previous one but this was perhaps even better looking.
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- Planning jobs and people
- Strategic aspects of resourcing
- Contractors and their contracts with consultants
- Recruitment
- Selection methods and decisions
- Staff retention
- Ending the contract
- Written statement reasons
- Constructive dismissal
- Compensation for dismissal
- Wrongful dismissal
- Retirement
- Notice in ending the contract
- Summary propositions ending the contract
- General discussion topics ending the contract
- Reading contract ending the contract
- Interactive skill 2 selection interviewing
- Practical exercise in selection interviewing
- Review part ii
Links of Next HR Management Topics:-