An operative becomes eligible for getting a dismissal notice after completing a month in the service of the employer. The employee can be getting a notice one week before he is to be dismissed. This kind of pay will remain constant in nature till two years of the service. After this, a notice at the end of two weeks will be served.
The basis for the notices to come will continue for 12 years. There will of course be periods in which some minimum warning will be provided. The employer can also include some periods of notices present in contract and this is fairly common in cases where the senior employees are involved, who are very much required to be present for longer periods of time.
After the end of four weeks or a month in the service, the worker is mandatory to provide with a notice of one week. Owing to a legal obligation, this period of time does not surge in length. If a particular employee gets hold of a contract which includes a notice period of longer duration, then he is supposed to be bound to it. The employer can face different problems if the particular employee would wish to continue to be in job for long periods of time.
You have to realise that neither the employer nor the employee can get rid of the notices in an individual manner. Removal will be taking place only if both the parties reach an agreement. Hence if an owner sends a notice to the employee but wish to retract it a little while later, it can be made possible only if the member of staff agrees to continue on the job. Similarly, once the employee hands in the resignation, he cannot undo it unless the owner agrees to it.
The different notices will be there at specified dates only. If someone is issuing a statement such as describing the winding up of business and asking the employee to find a different job, that is not really a notice. It is rather a warning being issued.
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- Planning jobs and people
- Strategic aspects of resourcing
- Contractors and their contracts with consultants
- Recruitment
- Selection methods and decisions
- Staff retention
- Ending the contract
- Written statement reasons
- Constructive dismissal
- Compensation for dismissal
- Wrongful dismissal
- Retirement
- Notice in ending the contract
Links of Next HR Management Topics:-
- General discussion topics ending the contract
- Reading contract ending the contract
- Interactive skill 2 selection interviewing
- Practical exercise in selection interviewing
- Review part ii
- Part ii case study problem
- Strategic aspects of performance
- Organisational performance
- Individual performance management
- Team performance