Managing Diversity
In the Turner Industry certain proves have made it clear for the presence of the racial discrimination within the organization. Despite of the workforce diversity benefits yet the managers are seen facing certain challenges for creating the accommodations for their employees. These challenges would be on personal bias and glass ceiling.
Personal Bias:
When we are talking about smokers, football players, female president, working mothers, what impression do you imprint upon your mind? Based upon your previous experiences and ideas you might have made a clear view of what things would turn into. The same is true for employees too who can bring these ideas within their minds for a sudden period. This may unfortunately lead to discrimination.
Bias is referred to as a tendency to a particular ideology. In fact, it is simply one sided form of perspective. The personal bias will help you to develop preconceived opinions and be judgmental on all situations.
One best outcome of the personal bias is the prejudice. Thus it is about the opinion and judgment that is made towards other persons. This prejudice is based upon all type of diversities including race, ethnicity, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation and religion and many others too.
One of the important factors within this prejudice is stereotyping. This means judging any person depending upon the perception to which group do they belong to. For example, Married people are considered to be happier at work rather than those of single people. A same case could be when you are asking someone for keeping an account of budget problem.
Both of these prejudices and the stereotyping would lead towards the power of inequality and thus it has been called as to be discrimination. This term is described to be when a person acts away from their one of the prejudicial attitudes. This can be understood well through Exhibit 4-7.
Most of the actions being mentioned here are probably prohibited by the laws. Thus they cannot be seen printed upon handbooks. Discrimination may often lead to negative consequences even if they are intentionally done or else misleader. Certain things could lead to severe problems for managers and these may include interpersonal conflicts, increase through employee’s turnover, negative climatic changes, and many more. Even if any organization has not yet filed cases against discrimination then also they are bound to take proper care of this.
Glass Ceiling:
You might consider that your MBA classes were over but yet the classes for graduation were quite challenging. This term of Glass ceiling was first initially used in an article by the Wall Street Journal. It basically describes the term of invisible barriers is often used for separating women and other minority from that of top managerial positions. The idea behind this is simple that it blocks the upward movement along with success. Various researches have made it easier to identify the organization practices.
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- management and organizations a managers dilemma
- Understanding managements context constraints and challenges
- Managing in a global environment
- Managing diversity
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