The classification of A.C motors is mainly showcased in 5 sections. They are:
Grouping as per speed
- Variable speed
- Adjustable speed
- Constant speed
Grouping as per asynchronous motors
- Commutator motors:
- Compensated
- Inductively
- Conductivity
- Series
- Universal
- Single phase
- Induction motors
- External resistance or Slip ring
- Squirrel cage
- Single
- Double
Grouping as per current type
- 3 phase
- Single phase
Grouping as per principle of operation
(Existing together)or Synchronousmotors
- Super
- Plain
Grouping as perstructural features
- Splash proof
- Riveted frame eye
- Fan cooled and totally enclosed
- Water proof
- Explosion proof
- Semi-enclosed
- Enclosed
- Open
- Pipe-ventilated
- Ventilated
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- Current Electricity Basic Concepts
- Introduction to Alternating Current
- Introduction Three Phase A C Circuits
- Magnetic Field
- General Aspects
- General Aspects Polyphase Induction Motors
- Classification of A C Motors
Links of Next Electrical Engineering Topics:-
- Constructional Details
- Production of Rotating Magnetic Field
- Theory of Operation of an Induction Motor
- Slip
- Frequency of Rotor Current
- Rotor E M F and Rotor Current
- Torque and Power
- Effect of Change in Supply Voltage on Starting Torque
- Effect of Change in Supply Voltage on Torque and Slip
- Torque Slip and Torque Speed Curves
- Operating Characteristics 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor
- Shows a Wound Rotor Induction Motor with Controller Rheostat
- Power Stages in an Induction Motor
- Induction Motor as Transformer
- Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor
- Starting of Induction Motors
- Factors Governing Performance of Induction Motors
- Effects of Operating Conditions
- Ratings of 3 Phase Induction Motors
- Squirrel Cage Motors Advantages Disadvantages and Applications
- Wound Rotor or Slip Ring Induction Motors Advantages Disadvantages and Applications
- Comparison of a Squirrel Cage and a Slip Ring or Phase Wound
- Comparison Induction Synchronous Motors
- Highlights in Polyphase Induction Motors
- Single Phase Motors
- Characteristics of D C Generators
- Measuring Instruments
- Power Supply System