The debates regarding the future are always guesswork and are quite impossible to predict actually. However the government is also interested in this, so a lot of research as well as attention are being given to it. From the point of view of public, the HR needs of the employer for the future would determine how much training the employees would get presently. If the government acts during formulation of economic policies as well as making laws about employment of people, then immigration is also affected to a great extent by which policy is to be adapted in the future.
Going through the works of people such as Charles Handy as well as William Bridges would be a good enough foundation for you to learn. These people have said in their own ways that the forces of the product marker will ensure leadership in the forthcoming decades and form a new order for work conditions. This would be quite different from what the industrialized countries have been experiencing in the present times. The kind of work which is being done presently as well as well as the kind of arrangements present, are going to change to a large degree. This change will be observed when the companies travel from the era of industrialization to an era of post industrialization.
There is going to be a shift towards what can be referred to as knowledge work. The coming days will show that all people would find employment in one particular way or another. These people would be working to generate process and then apply the knowledge. The availability of the cheap labor in the countries will ensure that the manufacturing activities decrease over time. Hence things would be required to be created by exploiting the advancements in science and technology. The people will find work for the specific kind of knowledge that they possess. The jobs which are termed as regular jobs will not exist anymore, even if they do, they would be much less in numbers. The demand for the people in technical fields would actually be increasing and thus the demand for manual labor would decrease. Hence in order to have a competitive advantage, the employers would be required to create the knowledge and apply them in manner more effective than others.
The definition of jobs as known today will change completely. Very few people in the future would be having jobs which have a proper definition in various companies. The people would rather be working in a manner which can be termed as self-employed. They would be doing projects limited by constraints of time for the various organizations. This is bound to happen and hence the debate rages in a business climate which is extremely volatile in nature. Various organizations will not be able to provide guarantee of providing you with work. Hence the companies would not be offering you with documents certifying your employment in the manner as they do in the present times. Hence if you are looking for a secured job, then the future is definitely bleak for you. However it is going to be gala time for those people who do not mind working for different employers simultaneously and also learn new skills and have another career too.
The arguments presented here may seem to be persuasive in nature for you. However they have been formulated with the help of analysis of what the business developments in future are going to look like. These things are however not always guaranteed and are rather controversial in nature. Different researchers have also challenged the claims that have been made here. The scale at which these changes will take place is enormous to say the least. Hence they are not likely to happen in the future.
One of the most vocal critics of this theory is Peter Nolan who has to say that these cases are quite overstated in nature.
He has to say that the occurrence of changes is quite evident. However the changes that will take place are not of linear nature and cannot be predicted by use of technology. He is also against the views of some writers who have said that the changes will be made according to trends in globalization of the market.
Nolan and his colleagues have to say that they have become witnesses to a continuation of procedures that have been established for quite some time now. These reversals of trends made their appearances in the period of 1980s and 1990s. The duration of jobs in the United Kingdom for example has increased quite a bit in the present times. The people who had been employed in a fixed manner as well as those who were self-employed have decreased in numbers. There has been a slow but steady growth in the number of people who have been given scientific as well as professional jobs. The growth in this sector has been from 34% to 37%. There has been no decrease in the number of jobs for the manual laborers. The number of people, who have been given jobs in the sector of low skills, is growing at a rapid pace.
The various critics of the theories of Handy as well as some predictors of the future have to say that a certain gap has been identified which focuses on various developments in the environment. If you go through the trend in the product market of the present times, then you will be easily able to predict the changes which are radical in type. There exists the coupled force of globalization as well as advancement in technology which will point to various transformations happening in various areas of your life. There are different trends, in the employment sector which are affected by the developments taking place in various labor markets. Hence both the employees as well as different lawmakers prefer the continuation of the age old approach to the employment of individuals.
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- The nature of human resource management
- Businesses organisations and human
- Delivering hrm objectives
- A philosophy of human resource management
- Debates in hrm
- The psychological contract
- The future of work
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