It is a very important point to note that in case of computer algorithms, at times certain random numbers are not generated. Though, there is need for those numbers at a certain point of time, however, it so happens that in place of those, pseudo-random numbers get generated. This to a certain extent changes the very condition of the program that hasbeen given.
The primary product of simulation is affected to a great extent by the random numbers or certain non-random effects that are found. Primary reason why these random numbers are required in a computer algorithm is due to their development of new states that are of primary importance for taking certain decisions. It is correct maintenance of sequence that ensures a final result.
Importance of random numbers:
In present times, this concept of random numbers has resulted in using of them in multiple sectors. The primary section being correct decision making in regards to computer programs, mathematical program, as well as certain political or defense related issues as well.
Also, it is to be noted that security systems of a number of cryptographic systems primarily depends on generating of certain unpredictable quantities. It is based on a random key that this whole system is based, and the whole security system is specifically based on a singular key.
In most simulation models, it is the usage of 0 and 1 that is preferred, as a huge number of random number generation is not possible. Given that most of the computer activities are detailed with algorithm and have the base on deterministic models, it is pseudo-numbers that act as random numbers and certain properties are satisfied in that regard.
Hence, this can be stated to be the most important step in case of simulation.
Techniques used for getting random numbers:
There are specifically 2 techniques that are used in regards to this generation of random numbers.
- Mid-square technique:
This is one of the first techniques that have been used in generating pseudo-random numbers. Invented by John von Neumann, this proceeds by the seeding and squaring method. In this case, a pseudo-random number of 4 digits have been given initially, which is further squared. As a result, a final 8 digit number is produced and therefore a couple of 0โs are added in case of any backlog.
Since this 4 digit number that has been generated is taken to be the answer, a further set of numbers is chalked out on basis of this.
- Linear Congruential Technique:
This is another method known as power residual method, and the most sought-after way in present times to generate a set of pseudo-random numbers. In this algorithm, a set of pseudo-random numbers are generated, but it follows a breaking linear equation mode. The best part of this technique is that it generates a storage-bit truncation format that is based on modulo arithmetic format. This is specifically useful for implementing on computer hardware, and one of its sub-parts include multiplicative congruential generator process.
It is these methods that help in ensuring that the concerned people post using of these methods get random numbers.
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- Introduction to statistics
- Knowledge of central tendency or location
- Definition of dispersion
- Moments
- Bivariate distribution
- Theorem of total probability addition theorem
- Random variable
- Binomial distribution
- What is sampling
- Estimation
- Statistical hypothesis and related terms
- Analysis of variance introduction
- Definition of stochastic process
- Introduction operations research
- Introduction and mathematical formulation in transportation problems
- Introduction and mathematical formulation
- Queuing theory introduction
- Inventory control introduction
- Simulation introduction
Links of Nextย Statistics Topics:-