Taken as the most fundamental example of the queuing theory, this queuing model takes into consideration arrival of people in the Poisson format, where the final base is to be considered as infinite population.
In case of this model, itโs taken that a customer who is arriving, said to be born, while a customer who has departed is considered dead. Since in any queuing system, both arrival of clients and their departure takes place in a simultaneous manner, itโs taken that the total process is the birth and death process.
In certain models, both mean rate of arrival and mean rate of service provided are taken as constant.
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- Introduction to statistics
- Knowledge of central tendency or location
- Definition of dispersion
- Moments
- Bivariate distribution
- Theorem of total probability addition theorem
- Random variable
- Binomial distribution
- What is sampling
- Estimation
- Statistical hypothesis and related terms
- Analysis of variance introduction
- Definition of stochastic process
- Introduction operations research
- Introduction and mathematical formulation in transportation problems
- Introduction and mathematical formulation
- Queuing theory introduction
Links of Nextย Statistics Topics:-