- In order to understand financial statements, four main concepts are required: income statement, equity statement, balance sheet and most importantly the cash flow statement.
- NPV calculations and many other calculations can be accomplished with the help of financial statements.
- Net income is not used in NPV analysis
- To get the actual cash flows, you need to undo the accruals with the help of reverse engineering.
- The most important long term accrual that affects calculations is depreciation.
- The difference in the GAAP and IRS schedule is reflected in the form of deferred taxes.
- The most important short term accrual is known as change in working capital.
- Cash flow statements, if available, can help handle most difficulties in accrual calculations.
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- Introduction of corporate finance
- The time value of money and net present value
- Stock and bond valuation annuities and perpetuities
- A first encounter with capital budgeting rules
- Working with time varying rates of return
- From financial statements to economic cash flows
- Financial statements
- A bottom up example long term accruals depreciation
- Bottom up example deferred taxes
- Bottom up example short term accruals and working capital
- Earnings management
Links of Next Financial Accounting Topics:-