360 Degree Feedback
The primary aim of 360-degree feedback that is a must for any organization in current times is to provide a base against which development of a particular company or an employee can be measured.
The type of 360-degrеe feedback
To actualize the concept of feedback, it is very important to collect the same from various sources and then finally place it accordingly. So, the various sources from which this feedback is collected is line managers, senior managers, customers, clients, subordinates and concerned individuals. It really is debated that this depth of opinions produces exceptional suggestions to reviews through the line mаnаgеr’s point of view.
Given the range of situations that it covers, Atwater along with his colleagues stated that with the help of this 360-degree feedback, details of performance can be notified well. According to Hoggets’ close to 70% of employees of United Parcels Service, stated that feedback from a combined set of sources in comparison to individual sources was much better, and it helped them develop themselves in the best manner. The feedback that peers and subordinates present to any individual would be more useful than the one received from other sources.
With this feedback, an individual not only gets to evaluate his or her positives and negatives but also ensure that they have an idea of how various organizational groups check out that particular employee against others. This mode of depicting self-awareness is collected via informal modes but when it is placed, the trademark Window on practice box on Humber side Tec, mode is used. This method is useful to the extent that, in most cases, this is used by experts as an option for lengthy questionnaire and analysis.
Window on Practice
According to Storr (2000), the original 360-degree feedback is way different from the survey mode that is used in most cases. Since this is primarily based on appraisal tactics that are provided by leaders, and managers, or at times from the lower rungs of management, it has become the most standard format for judging a person/employee’s ability.
This system has its specialty in the mode that rather than paper mode, this is a face-to-face format – a set of dialogues that allows people to grow and groom themselves professionally in a better manner.
The best part of this system can be explained by a particular experience. When an employee received a certain appraisal from his boss, he couldn’t believe it. This was because, for the last 6 months, this was exactly the report that she had received from her superiors. But now, with the rest of the employees also affirming the same, this particular employee could actually believe in his abilities in that company.
Activity 12.3
In this case, one has to imagine his or her current role in terms of the company.
- A couple of specific incidents have to be taken into account.
- You have to state a particular activity that you have been involved in for a certain length of time.
Thus, one can state that there is a formal procedure for reporting this particular appraisal feedback form. There are multiple formats that are available at your disposal to choose from.
Whatever format you may choose, the primary concentration will remain upon your behavior. The scores that various reviewers will provide to determine your position in that feedback form will be primarily based on how you conduct yourself in an official atmosphere.
The feedback received is extremely important for the concerned employee, and you have to understand the details via bar graphs, pie charts or graphical measures. It is only an average measure that is taken into consideration. The line manager only can provide correct scores, which are directly taken into consideration for further development of the concerned employee.
Since each of these feedback forms are based on helping in development of individuals, therefore the primary aim is that people should understand how to improve from this point onwards. The aim of these development features is to provide you with an arena that includes a set of improvements that people who have got the feedback should look forth to.
Difficulties and Dilemmas
The primary application that is used in most cases is the usage of specific set of systems and processes and getting clarity in regards to that. The data that is paid for the purpose of performance management in most cases is not something legal, and hence it is not advised worth taking into account.
But that does not stop the primary aim or focus of 360-degree feedback. This feedback is clearly aimed at building of a team that knows it’s set of positives and exploits them, and negatives to discard them. Apart from that, this performance appraisal is used even for management purposes as well as development of organization. This is also used to evaluate level of training that should be given to people who are working at the concerned place so that they can consider that as a framework for improving their capabilities.
The critical point to be noted is that, if this 360 feedback is not built via construction of various developmental procedures, this whole process can act in a negative manner. That is, the whole idea of making it motivating and suitable framework for employees can turn into a demotivating and negative idea from which employees will lose out.
Atwater (2002) states that in order to counter this whole system, so that it does not follow a negative course, it is important that people should provide constructive view of peers and tone down the negative points. So the post-feedback coaching can be done in an ideal manner, and the whole purpose of this report will be served.
However according to Fletcher and Baldry (2001), there are a number of negative aspects associated with this form, and it is important that one should bring a certain level of precision into it, to avoid such negative aspect of the report.
Window on Practice
According to Johnson 2001 reports, there was a merger between Unichem (UK) and AllianceSante (France) to frame the Alliance Unichem. To ensure that the management was done in an ideal manner, there were 4 major points that were highlighted – service, innovation, partnership, and excellence.
The concerned countries were France, Portugal, Spain, and Italy – it was very important that a detailed proceeding was considered and a final piloting was done prior to launching the actual company.
The package that was used was purely customized with close to 5 languages determining the developmental activities and with special analysis and self-development program.
Thus, for a correct performance analysis, this 360 feedback tool is a must have!
Summary Propositions
12.1. It has to be noted that managers in most cases have a dual role of developer and assessor. Therefore, there is a major issue regarding appraisal systems and issues of performance management.
12.2. Apart from appraisal activity, there are a number of links and aspects that performance management systems tend to include in their domain. The concerned aspects are: support, motivation, coaching, reward for performances, and final reviewing of the submitted proposal.
12.3. There are a number of new factors that have been included in the appraisal systems. They are: collection of proper evidence from employees as well as managers, both line manager and employee’s point of view has to be taken into consideration, and emphasizing on the basic concepts of how well the things have to be done.
12.4. The primary aim of 360 degree feedback is to bring about a detailed analysis of the change in behavior and improve the performance standards of employees. This is primarily used for improving the development levels of a particular employee or a company on a wider stretch.
General Discussion Topics
- What is the difference between traditionally practiced management techniques and concepts of performance management? What are the plethora of positives and negatives that it holds for employers and employees?
- The whole concept of 360 degree feedback may apparently sound good, but inherently it may not work because it has a number of built-in-bias concepts associated with itself. Discuss the concept of built in biases and how each of these, if possible can be negated for a perfect result.
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- Selection methods and decisions
- Staff retention
- Ending the contract
- Strategic aspects of performance
- Organisational performance
- Individual performance management
- Stages in a performance management system
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