What Is the Point of Homework? Is It Necessary for Students’ Development?

by Apr 6, 2016Homework Help

The question is what is the point of homework? Is it that essential for the development of a student? While scholars mostly are not willing to do a home task, teachers continue to assign them with extra work. If asked, 80% of students will agree on the fact that they are stressed due to school. As areas of study are expanding, learners have to spend most of the time doing assignments. But the debate is still on, as far as it’s a concern for young learners’.

What the chief has to say:

“We need to focus on improvement of students anyway. But the process should not create anxiety and fear in their minds”, said Rod Liddle, the principal of Christ Church Girl’s School.Fortunately, he is aware of the problems his children are suffering from. Homeworks are essential to do but it’s equally important to balance them. Excessive of anything in never good.

A practical scenario:

There have been many conversations on what is the point of homework. But here’s what practically happens:

After long 8 hours ofschool, when a child returns home, his mother readily asks about the latest homework. Well, it’s good that parents are concerned about their child’s studies, but only the latter knows the pressure on his head. By the time he freshens up, has his meal and rests his bodyon the bed, the clock shows 6:00 pm; the time for readings. No refreshment! No games!

Again at the study table, the child goes blank with incomplete ideas of his subject. That only adds to thefrustration.

What is the point of homework then?

However, homework is necessary due to a lot of reasons:

  • It helps in development of research and analytical skills.
  • It makes a habit for the learner to revise the topic till ideas are fresh and gradually get more versed with it.
  • Through projects, teachers ensure that students be disciplined and reserve a time phase for study at home.
  • With homework, scholars learn time management skills. They have to completea specific task within the given deadline.
  • It promotes study habits among students.
  • Parents can keep a track on their kid’s progress.

These are the many benefits of assigning homework. To draw an agreeable conclusion on what is the point of homework; mentors should equally focus on both sides of the coin. Theargument has occurred due to certain negative impacts these extended tasks from school have on students.

Negative impacts of homework:

  1. Makes the student anxious and frustrated
  2. There’s no free time for amusement and relaxation, which is an obvious necessity for every human being.
  3. There are possibilities of copying or cheating.
  4. Too much homework bothers family life.
  5. Assignments must be checked duly to encourage students with feedback.

Needs a balance:

As experts suggest, it won’t be a just idea to eliminate the systems of home tasks completely. In that case, what needs is a proper balance between home and school, self-time vs. academic time. Teachers should allocate assignments according to the age of pupils. For a lower class student, minimum homework should be given to just make a habit. As they promote to higher classes, pressure has to be increased accordingly and gradually. Projects are necessary for a course of study. Hence, they should be interesting for pursuers, not a fear.

Often a mere busy work:

You may ask what is the point of homework even after school. That’s to some extent right.Professors assume that homeworks are effective in improving learning. But most of the time this concept turns out to be a mere busy work. If a school tries to upgrade a student’s learning skills with more assignments, that theory is not always going to work. There is enough time in school to utilize it efficiently. The curriculum of system needs to be altered to make it more productive by wasting less time on unnecessary activities.

A trained teacher can better guide students in education than an untrained parent at home. Frustrated from long school timings, homeworks mean simply a task to be done in time. That hardly improves learning.

What to do with boring assignment?

Homeworks are sometimes short that can be done up within a few hours. But long projects are time-taking and tiresome. Students have this tendency of working at late nights to meet the deadline. Obvious chances are there, you may fall asleep delaying in completion of work. How to stay awake while doing homework? Some very easy to apply and effective ways are there that helps you stay up till you work. Anybody can follow them.

Homeworks are helpful too:

  • A revision at home on what has been taught during the day is quite helpful as memories remain fresh. Some students do not prefer studying after school on a regular basis. That’s rather a bad habit. A learner should engage in some readings daily and homeworks help a lot to do so. When he has an assignment to do, he is bound to deal with the subject. Projects and homeworks will always enrich knowledge and understanding of a matter.
  • Parents should be more supportive. If not directly, they must arrange for a favourable environment, provide healthy food, and make a time schedule for home tasks. They should explain to their kids what is the point of homework and how to do them efficiently.
  • Teachers assign different types of homeworks with different assessment methods. It’s for the student that they should make equal efforts in gaining knowledge about a particular topic rather than just doing it. It’s you who have to make a subject more interesting in your own effective way.

As you have seen there are varied justifications on what is the point of homework, it’sup to you as in which one to prefer. Homeworks can really be of great advantage in terms of career building if carried out properly. You need to set goals on when to finish these tasks. Be your own motivation to enhance yourself. Good luck!