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Who Invented Homework and School? Reason to Dislike School and Homework

by Apr 12, 2016Homework Help

As a student you may often wonder who invented homework and school. It is quite an obvious idea that lingers into the mind of children. But, remember that school and homework goes hand in hand and both of them play a vital role in everyone’s life. Homework is handed over to students that can monitor their recent skills on work and also gives an opportunity to enjoy recurring practice that can allow students to retain information.

In school you do not have sufficient time to practice skill and this is why teachers assign you with homework that can ensure a good grasp on subject. There are many subjects that demands necessary skill which should be applied numerable times to understand it well.

Homework is usually assigned to children with an intention to make them ready for:

  • New lessons
  • Get acquainted with latest information
  • Make skilled enough to develop a report

Importance of homework

Homework acts as an intersection point between home and school. This finally delivers huge amount of benefits to child. Parents also have the chance to monitor and observe education level of their kids and play an active role in this process. Once you know the process of making homework a fun, there is no chance of thinking who invented homework and school.

  • Homework is a good way to enable students practice ideas that are covered in school. In order to master the concept it is necessary to manage homework well.
  • To adopt proficiency on a particular concept, it is necessary for students to complete their task independently. Therefore, work at home enables students to practice and review their knowledge taught in class.
  • Homework works as an extension to in-class learning process as students have the opportunity to add up latest information and updates related to subject.

In case a term project is given to students, this helps to implement their knowledge and also can conduct their own research process which can enhance the individual learning. If the homework becomes a successful process, then the role of parent does can also get strengthen with their children. As a parent you can convince your child to adopt new techniques of learning so that they do not think who invented homework and school.

What makes the homework process easier?

How do students improve their study skills? It can only be done through homework. Students need to build up a habit of doing their homework regularly. A self-sufficient student can certainly score well in exam as he/she has managed their work without any assistance in their academic life. The grade will certainly depend on their quality of work and this is why students need to understand their homework well to achieve good score.

As parents you can adopt these tips through which the process turns out to be simple and convincing for students. There would be no place for thinking who invented homework and school.

  1. Keeping a track of homework:

As a parent you need to get involved into the school schedule of your child, this will build up a healthy relationship between you and the child. A constant need of parents will develop which is a positive sign. Remember, not to keep any homework due! Start it immediately to cope up with classroom tests and quizzes.

  1. Develop basic skills:

It is necessary to build up the basic skills among children that would include mathematical skills as well. These skills will ensure to deal with varied math concepts and achieve excellence in academic life.

  1. Provide a proper workplace:

Don’t you think that managing homework can only be possible when your child can give 100% concentration? This can only happen when you provide with a quieter place to study and review different concepts. Have a designated area where the work can be easily managed without much distraction.

  1. Make use of proper items:

Students should be facilitated with proper worksheets, educational games and computer to develop their skills. This will restrain them from having a thought of who invented homework and school. Skills that are learned on daily basis should be practiced well at home.

Who invented homework and school? Reason to hate school

There are different reasons behind not liking the school. Most of the kids have a fear of going to school. Either they are burdened with homework or bullied by elder students.

  • Holiday homework:

This reminds of summer vacation. It is the time when students are assigned with heavy loads of homework. Though vacation is the best time to spend on hill stations, watching movies, but everything goes in vain due to academic task. So, this may give rise to a question is homework harmful or helpful? Statistics proves everything! Sometimes this homework can create a negative impact on students.

  • Heavy bags:

Kids have to carry a heavy load in their school bags that are not only painful but also seems to be meaningless to experts. No matter whether kids are reaching their school on foot or by bus, this high weighed bag pull down their shoulder. Reports show that the heavy bags are highly detrimental to growth of students. The posture also gets affected.

  • Boredom:

Their daily schedule appears to be quite boring which needs to be carried out every day. This is one of the basic reasons to dislike going to school. Don’t students demand for a change? Giving them a break from tedious routine will certainly help to deal with such unwanted scenario. Classroom should be fun and study needs to be enjoyed by every individual.

Who invented homework and school will just be a mere question that would never come into the mind of students. Once you provide them with an impressive classroom environment. Students need to develop their time management skills which would make them capable of handling homework and school responsibility efficiently. English, science and math can be easily dealt with if parents take the opportunity to teach them based on everyday situation. Homework is the best way through which the students can be more responsible and can encourage them for improved time management.