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Is Homework Good or Bad? Get the Details of Pros and Cons of Homework

by Apr 12, 2016Homework Help

Do you wonder about the need of homework? Remember, everything in this world comes with a purpose and so do homework. The assignments given to students enable them to practice the course of subject which is being taught in school. Homework is the only source through which children get knowledgeable and feels the need for doing extra research related to their topic. It is irrelevant to think is homework good or bad, as having a limited amount of home task can give opportunity to build up thinking ability and managerial skills.

Reference books and proper materials are adopted by students to manage their assignments. So, once you get into proper research work, it becomes easier for you to deal with future assignments. Homework is also an important aspect of life as it develops individuality among students. You get to learn about being independent while evoking a sense of responsibility and self-discipline. A deadline is attached with homework, therefore children needs to finish it within stipulated time.

Is homework good or bad? Understand the pros and cons

What do you think: is homework good or bad? To know about the positive and negative effects of homework, you need to get into the depth of it. Here you can explore few pros of homework such as:

  • Working hand-in-hand:

In case the students find it difficult to complete their home task, they have the facility of asking their teacher on specific aspect. This can finally lead to a healthy learning experience. In case there is no homework, children would be more inclined towards watching TV and playing with gadgets which can have a negative impact on brain. Children should carry a textbook to home and learn its content to have better knowledge.

  • Build up healthy family relation:

Most of the parents are now working and find less time to spend with their children. Homework can certainly be a unique idea that can bring families together. Getting involved into homework, can surely deliver better results. Peace and harmony can be obtained in families! Parents who get involved can develop a healthy relationship with their kids. This develop a firm understanding about their subject and also give an assurance to kids that parents are always there to guide.

  • Evoke a sense of responsibility:

When students are assigned with homework, they develop a sense of responsibility. Assigning a work for home, also give a preview to kids to deal with their adult life. Child stops making excuses with their work and try to be more responsible which finally helps to accomplish their task. A sense of punctuality also gets sharpened as work needs to be delivered with stipulated time. At a younger age kids get to know that there are no shortcuts in life and can easily do their work well.

Cons of homework

In order to know is homework good or bad, you should also know the cons of it. Some of the negative impacts are:

  • Lack of relaxation time:

Don’t you think that your kids need some amount of relaxation? It is said that young minds need certain amount of rest after their school hours. Having assignments on every night certainly pressurize the students which turns out to be unbearable. Child needs to relax in order to boost up their mind and body after school, which is why having sufficient rest is necessary. It can have a negative impact on mind, if you force kids to continue with their study after a seven hours schooling session.

  • Socialization is reduced:

Doing homework is not enough, if your kids unable to spend time in socializing. Socialization and work, both are important skills that need to be developed simultaneously. If you force the child to do their homework immediately after school, then the skills do not get developed properly. Spending a good time with friends is needed to ensure proper brain development. Socializing around can allow children to stretch their wings and aim for higher.

  • Parents and child conflict:

While discussing about is homework good or bad, you will get to know that there is a chance of getting involved into a conflict. With homework added disciplinary comes, which often seems to be difficult to match up with. Parents often pester their children of doing homework once they get home. But, it is essential for parents to allow kids decide when to do their home task.

Can homework help in learning process?

Homework enables students to understand their subject well and also do the work at their own pace. In case you have any queries related to topic, there is a facility of asking after classes! Home task often comes with a deadline and so kids need to finish task within stipulated time. Parents need to get involved into it and monitor the progress. It is a best and effective way through which a bridge can be developed between parents and teachers.

You should learn is homework necessary? Get to know about the thinking of people! Homework can only be helpful if it fulfills three different aspects:

  1. Meaningful homework.
  2. Proper and accurate completion.
  3. Review and feedback about assigned task.

Is homework good or bad? It is really a thoughtful question that may not only disturb students, but also parents. Homework needs to be carrying out clear cut instructions so that while dealing with it students do not encounter any problems. The sole purpose of this should be to encourage students implement their knowledge and apply brain. This gives them the ability to come up with excellent piece of work.

Homework certainly comes with a purpose though; it needs to be followed by every individual. Proper technique of giving homework is usually not maintained in many schools and colleges. It is the duty of every teacher to grade the assigned task, which is usually not done by schools. Often grading helps student to build up their confidence and get show interest in doing homework. Is homework good or bad will surely get to know if it is properly followed! Often homework enables to focus on classroom activities.