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What Are the Important Factors That You Should Not Avoid in Your Academic Career?

by Sep 6, 2016Homework Solution

Every student goes to school or colleges and attends classes. All students also prepare for their examination, but do you think that every one gets the highest score. No, a lot of students even get less than fifty percent and some get more than ninety percent. What is the reason? The reason behind it is their avoidance of some important factors that they are not concentrating while studying. So, what are these factors that you should not avoid during your academic career?
My experience in this

I want to share a personal experience that will surely open your eyes. I was good in study but during my intermediate, I started to overlook some factors and did not think that it could diminish my career. During my intermediate, I joined a side course of computer and it was interesting. As it was related to programming part, I started to make small programs and did not concentrate on class and left my regular practice for the main subject Mathematics. I became so much busy in some critical programs that I started to avoid some important assignment questions and you won’t believe that I did not get even the pass marks.
On the very next day, I wrote an application to the head of that computer institute and explained that I was not able to manage both the classes properly, so I took the permission for continuing the class after completing my Intermediate final exam. I was very much upset just like a looser. But, I started to work hard and swayed that I would never avoid the important factors that I did. I passed with good score, but it would be far better if I concentrated on my study as a responsible student.
What are the factors that you should not avoid?

Now, go through some important points or factors that will give you the exact solution you are looking for. Let’s go through some factors as follows-

  • Don’t avoid the easy topics

It is very common that all students do not read or go through the chapters which they think is very easy and they leave that for the preparation of the final term. Don’t take any thing so easy without practicing; you may face a great problem. You may make mistakes in any spelling or the explanation. Depth concept along with its proper explanation is very much important for you.

  • Don’t leave any complex task for the next day

It is usually done by the genuine students that any particular topic requires proper explanation that is time taking. What they do? They just leave it for the next time and start easy tasks to complete first. Don’t do that. It may happen that some topics or concepts take a lot of time, but you should concentrate on that to clear the concept, moreover you need a good practice over that.

  • Practice and time management

Your proper practice depends on your time management as they are related to each other and thus you just need to make your time table according to your subject and its proper application. If your subjects need explanations of theoretical part, then always make it perfect by writing informative. On the other hand, if you think that it requires a numerical part, then you must solve each question along wit its perfect steps. Don’t avoid or skip any step, if you do that you will not get the exact marks. Moreover, it may confuse you while writing each solution.

  • Concentrate while doing homework

Don’t think that your homework is just your duty that you need to complete. But, you should go through the answers well and explain it to the point. An exact explanation related to the concept will never create mess and it is the right step to acquire a good score.

  • Don’t avoid numerical problems –

A lot of problems in physics, chemistry, accounts, economics and other have numerical problems and calculations are there. It means mathematics and other numerical related problems that belong to the other subject are very much essential for you to practice well. If you make mistake in calculation part, you cannot grab the proper score. So, don’t avoid it.

  • Don’t avoid revising

One of the most basic factors that everyone can easily do, but they don’t and it is revision. Make a habit of checking an answer just after writing it will always give you a good score. It is because, you can easily catch the mistake of you have done in the answer. Now, you should take care of your written work. It will be completely beneficial to you. So, check properly before submission.

  • Don’t miss any class

Always try to attend every class as your faculties are experts and they have thorough knowledge of every term. So, when they explain any term their professional tone and the way is very important for you to catch an actual matter. If you really desire to achieve a good score even the highest one, be conscious in your every class. By chance you miss a class, just

  • Try to make notes of your lecture at the same day

Making notes according to the explanation of your faculty is a positive point for every those students who are really serious about their study.  If you don’t avoid this, you will grab the best.

  • Don’t avoid examples in explanation

Whenever you write examination of a term or concept, you need to explain with some examples. It will not only make your solution easy to understand, but your ability of getting a good score. Write examples in case of definition too.
Now, go through these points and you can easily get how you can improve your academic career. You must be conscious about every subject even if you are writing an essay you need to overcome those mistakes that mostly students do. If you are getting that you can easily get the points about “What are the mistakes we do often while writing essay?”