Most of the people are quite concerned with level of transformer noise that is to be found. The prevalent ‘hum’ sound that is found in these transformers is caused by the highly energized standard of power transformer. In this case, condition is a no-load status and has its origin in the core level where magnetic forces help in lamination vibrations. Post the oil-layer, it is transferred to its surrounding areas.
The primary reasons that cause this noise within a transformer are:
- The tank walls that are present have mechanical vibrations
- The level of damping that is there in the tank
- There are multiple mechanical vibrations that are caused by amount of laminations present. It is also dependent on manner in which clamping has been tightened, associated structural segments.
- There is occurrence of a certain amount of magnetic restriction. There occurs a certain amount of dimensional change that is horizontal as well as parallel to direction of magnetization levels.
Though this issue of noise in a transformer cannot be endedcompletely, but it can surely be reduced to a comparative standard.
Ways to reduce noise levels:
- The tank that is to be designed in a transformer should be free from tank wall vibration effects
- The tank should be insulated from either ground level or in surrounding air
- The construction has to be taken care of at the utmost level. It is important that vibration in the core plate area should be protected from lower flux levels and there should be a sense uniformity in these plates.
- There should be ample padding via oil barriers and cushion layers.
These details should be followed accordingly.
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- Current Electricity Basic Concepts
- Introduction to Alternating Current
- Introduction Three Phase A C Circuits
- Magnetic Field
- General Aspects
- Elementary Theory of Ideal Transformer
- E M F Equation of a Transformer
Links of Next Electrical Engineering Topics:-