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How to Solve Homework Problems Faced by Your Child in Simple Ways?

by Sep 17, 2016Assignment Help

You must have noticed that most students groan when they hear the word “Homework,” and usually try to avoid it. On the contrary, when you talk about school or new books, the amount of enthusiasm they show is tremendous.
My 7 years old son hates to miss his school and eagerly waits for his vacations to get over. But when I ask him to do his assignment, his face resemblesa disaster-stricken anime character. No doubt it is hilarious but at the same time it made me wonder something, is it the homework that he hates or the problems that he faces while doing it?
This is the reason why I have done some research and came up with few solutions that can help children to do homework without having much trouble. Before we get into that, there is something that needs to be clear.
Why is homework necessary?
It is very much required to improve the study habit of a child. At school, when they learn something new, they also need to know about its usage and implications. It can only happen if your child practices it at home. When they re- read the same lesson taught at school, many new queries and doubts arise in their mind. This is the point which needs to be handled properly for making a child interested in doing homework. It oftenhappens when their doubts and queries start piling up;they start ignoring and avoid doing homework.
Homework and assignments are not only limited to school. If your child is aspiring for higher education and is in college, equal amount importance should be paid to them. If you are a concerned parent, bothered with your teenager’s education then you can check 5 effective tips to handle college homework.
Do you want to know about few of the solutions to encourage doing homework?
I have managed to figure out 8 simple ways to solve homework problem and they have miraculously worked on my child:

  1. Involve yourself with your child’s school work

Don’t get confused between ‘involvements’ and ‘nagging.’ It is important for every parent to keep an eye on your kid’s life. After home, school is the place where they spend the maximum amount of time. Check the activities your child is involved into at school. Regularly check the classwork and homework books to stay updated. This might sound like a tiring job special if both the parents are working, but trust me once you start getting involved, even you would start liking this entire process.
How it helps: Your involvement means a lot to your child. This triggers the excitement level and they usually try to put more effort in doing the work to impress you.

  1. Keep in touch with school teachers

Never miss going to parent- teacher meeting. You can get to know a lot from school about your child’s activities. This way you can also get to know if your child is facing some difficulty at school for which he or she is losing concentration while studying. This will give you a clear idea that in which areas you’re juvenile requires assistance.
How it helps: Many children get anxious and suffer from inferiority complex. This usually happens when the start lagging behind in class. It is important for you to know about it and encourage your kid to overcome the problem.

  1. Know his friend’s circle

You should be affectionate towards the ones, whom your child likes to call friends. Organize group study or teamwork project where they can exchange ideas. Tactfully, make that a way to do homework and they will do that happily.
How it helps: If you respect your child’s liking and disliking, they will learn to respect yours. This also develops obedience in a child. ‘You should train your kid for better education, not try and tame them.’

  1. Find homework help if you can

There are online sites which help in giving your child proper and expert guidance on subject matters. They provide a lot of encouragement and advice on how to improve doing homework and assignment. Another good part about them is that they have professionals from all fields. This makes easier for a person to understand everything in details.
How it helps: The principal reason for which they avoid homework is because they don’t have solutions to the problems they face. These online educational supportserviceshave the perfect guide for every subject who can solve the doubts, making homework an easy job for them.

  1. Encourage your child to read more

Don’t limit your child to textbooks. Buy them interesting story books, abacus, mental math and other interesting books. Only sticking to books can be boring for them so adding different types to book to their study routine will encourage them more.
How it helps: The more they’ll read, better will be their understanding and approach towards studies. This will guide them to grow interested in doing homework.

  1. Enroll your child in a library

I know most of the people find libraries very dull. This is the reason why if they join at an early age, with time they will develop a taste for reading and learning. This might not sound very convincing, but it actually works.
How it helps:  It is simple, the more they read, better will be their understanding and knowledge of a subject. This will be very helpful to them while doing their homework successfully.

  1. Reward their hard work

Your child needs to know that you are noticing his hard work and also willing to encourage them for that. This will boost them to try harder. It is also a parent’s responsibility to inspire their child and make them understand if they are facing some problem.
How it helps: You should know for maximum children their role model is either of their parents. You should totally encourage your child to do homework and also participate in that. When they get good comments in the copy; make sure you appreciate them for that.

  1. Give your child time to understand and grasp his subjects and works

This is the most important thing that every parent should do. Remember your child is not a machine who will be good at everything. It is important to give them proper space and time for understanding their subject. Help them with expert guidance from tutors and online homework help services.
Know some interesting facts about homework
Do you know that there has been a many research on homework and its importance? There it was made clear that children who do homework have a brighter future. Duke University researchers have reviewed more than 60 studies on homework. Harris Cooper, a Psychology professor, concluded with his ‘Meta-analysis’ on 48 students that 70% of them who involved themselves in doing homework achieved more marks than the rest.
Victorian schools also conducted a similar type of research that involved 130 research papers. The research was of 3 days where 16 witnesses checked 32 submitted paper. People who did homework before writing the paper scored much higher than the rest.
This clearly proves that how important homework is! This is the reason why if your child is avoiding doing homework, it’s time you provide them with proper online help services. Make your child’s future brighter the smart decision of giving them proper assistance to overcome the problems while doing homework.