While defining the cross product in geometric terms, then it is possible to gain understanding on properties of cross product. But, for computation it is necessary to get acquainted with formula which is not possible to understand through geometric definition. The calculation of cross product of two vectors is possible through this formula:
a x b = |a| |b| sin (θ) n
- |a| = magnitude of vector a
- |b| =magnitude of vector b
- n = unit vector
- Θ = angle between A and B
Therefore, the length says about the length of A times and the length of B times and finally the sine of angle between A and B. We finally multiply by vector n and ensure that the head is in right direction.
Properties of cross product:
- The length of cross product of two vector is determined as”
- Anti-commutativity:
- Multiplication by scalars:
- Distributivity:
- The scalar product of vectors a, b and c
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- Introduction to statics
- Introduction to vector algebra
- Magnitude of a vector
- Product of vector a by scalar m
- Addition of vectors
- Subtraction of vectors
- Addition of vectors using polygon method
- Resolution of vectors
- Unit vectors
- Scalar or dot product of two vectors
Links of Next Mechanical Engineering Topics:-
- Scalar triple product
- Introduction concept of equilibrium of rigid body
- Friction introduction
- Introduction about distributed forces