What to Do When Students Do Not Do Their Homework?

by Aug 22, 2016Homework Help

The word ‘work’ is not always enjoyable to everyone. Most of the people like to enjoy leisure more than work. Mature grown-ups make themselves habituated with the work pressures because of their realistic ideas and experiences. But students, especially those who are still children, arenot yet accustomed to real life and its flaws. Hence, they are notresponsible enough to know whatwork really means and what would be the troubles faced in reality if one does do any work.This makes it more difficult for them to deal with their work, especially when there is too much of it.
Theprimaryresponsibility in a student’s life isstudying and an integral part of it is their homework.Homework is the first step and indispensable for all students to make their concept of learning bolder. That helps to get a good grade in their assignment, and an easy success in their academic life.So homework is inevitable for all the students and the need to accept this fact as soon as possible. Those few students who have already accepted this in the right spirit, there is no need to worry about them. But the students who have yet not realized the significance of homework they need special care from their parents and teachers.
So now, we are going to discuss the responsibility of teachers, parents and guardians of thosestudents who don’t want to do their homework. What they need to do to make those students understand about the importance of homework? How to motivate students to do their homework? How can they grow interested for homework in student’s mind?

  • Make a schedule

Routine or schedule makes a student well organized and stable. Moreover, it helps to grow a good habit of time management in them. They got a fair idea about their working time and free time. What they have to do for the day, so that they can also make their own schedule accordingly. But always remember, do not give extra pressure or make it monotonous. Especially parents need to allow them a little down time after returning back from their schools, for having food and playing outside. These will help your children to concentrate and work well.

  • Pay attentions

A bit attentionis most important in a student’s life as they do not have enough knowledgeand responsibility about their future. Here, school teachers have a great responsibility too.

  • Understand their actual problems. Why they do not want to do their homework?
  • If they have some problems about learning their subjects and lesson, then teachers need to take care of that.
  • Make them understand that they are always available with their expert opinions and guidance for their students.

On the other hand, parents also need to be attentive more for their children. Mostly, they are only concern to get their children admit in a good school. They think that is their only responsibility.They do not want to take part in their children home assignments, as they give more priority to recreations and social activities.

  • Spend some time for your children especially when they are facing some challenges while doing their homework.
  • May be they do not ask for your help, But it is important for them to know that you are available for them with your care and guidance.
  • Try to stay positive and involve more in their studies.
  • Create motivation

Motivating a student to do their homework when they are refusing to do so is a very straightforward.Both teachers and guardians play a vital role in this regards.

  • Teachers should be more encouraging towards weaker students.
  • They should set the good students of their class as examples for other students.
  • “If some other students can do their homework properly, then why can’t I?” this kind of a feeling must be developed into a weak student’s mind.
  • Parents should also adopt certain useful techniques at home.
  • Children love to have ideal heroes in their lives. Set up role models for your childfrom whom they can learn how to study or do their homework. This model can be your childhood as well.
  • Show your child how you yourself dealt with study problems and challenges during your childhood.
  • Forgive small mistakes committed by them, letting them know that nobody is born perfect. This will inspire your child more than anything.
  • Select a comfortable zone

It is essential for a parent to make sure thattheir children are comfortable while studying. Nobody can concentrate on their work if they feel discomfort or uneasiness.

  • The study room of your child must be spacious and quiet, devoid of many external disturbances.
  • There should be necessary accessories and stationariesrelated to studies and homework available in your child’s study room so that theydo not have to spend much time looking for those things.
  • Give enough freedom to your child about how theyare comfortable in studying. Some students feel easy to study while sitting upright, whereas some findit more comfortable to lie down and study. Allow them to study as they like.
  • Create right atmosphere

A specific and appropriate atmosphereis required while studying and doing homework. Parents must make sure that such an atmosphere exists around their child when they study.

  • Make sure that there are no distractions like TV’s, toys, sounds of other children playing, etc. in or around their study room.
  • A friendly environment is needed. Be positive about your child’s learning and make them feel that you have enough confidence in them.
  • Respect your child’s decision about what they desire to studyat a time of the day. If there is some confusion about it, try to sort it out reasonably and calmly rather thanwith an impatient anger and creating a child-parent conflict.
  • Make sure to be friendly enough with your child so that they feel free to share their study related troubles.
  • Allow in-between brakes

A long stretch of studying is very painful and tiring and it also makes a student lose interest. So it is essential for you to allow your childtake several brakes during a long homework.

  • Make it interesting

Studying should never be boring or dull. If you wish your child to take aninterest instudies you have to add spicein it. Allow them to study in groups with friends oreven sing to them if necessary.

  • Rewarding them

Appraisals and rewards are necessary for inspiration and good performance. Never forget to appreciateevery single effort of your child while they study – no matter how small or insignificant it may seem.Also, offer them chocolates or candies as rewards sometimes when they work hard enough.
Hence, refusing to do their homework is an age-oldbehavior of students in different parts of our world.If you can however,learn these above-mentioned tricks by heart and make doing homework easier and more comfortable with your care, guidance and help, then definitelyyour child will get rid of the homework phobia in them andyou will not have to fight with them regarding homework and studies.