There’re lot many changes that are required to be done in the present education system in order to make it really effective in the long run. The style and technique adopted by most schools and universities in teaching have been followed for decades and is no longer meaningful for the upcoming generation. It seems as if, to tie their feet through the present system. It really calls for change, but that too requires a strong voice.
Main reasons for Skipping Home work
Let us first focus on the main reasons why youngsters often tend to miss out on their homework.
This mainly occurs because of the following reasons:
- A lack of acceptance of the fact of doing school work at home.
- In many cases, students do develop a pre-idea that they are not suitable or they do not possess the appropriate skillfor doing the homework and so they stay away from even giving a try at their work.
- The most obvious reason is the extreme pressure of academic curriculum which forces a student to strive for completing the syllabus rather than doing the task that was given to be done at home.
- Another important reason is that a student often becomes selective in their study process and they tend to lose interest in some subjects which leads them to become inattentive to any work that is assigned in that subject.
- In many cases, the students have to simultaneously cope with both the pressures coming simultaneously and single handedly- one of home tutors and another coming from school. They are often not able to manage the few hours of peace they are left with at their home for doing the workload that comes from both centers.
I would like to throw some more light on the last point I mentioned. Myself being a sufferer of the present education system, I would like to advise my juniors not to tread on the same path. It’s not always advantageous to take home tutors for every subject. They are meant to reduce your work load and not increase them.
But in most cases the opposite is seen as they have their own technique of completing their syllabus and do not follow what is being taught at school and so the student finds it much difficult to cope up with both.
So my advice would be to leave those centers, which you feel like not helping you in any way and don’t waste your vital time there.
What should be given for homework?
Following topics should be mainly focused on:
- Things that teachers should include in their homeworkshould consist of day to day class work that is done in class and is already covered in the curriculum. It should not include topics for which students have to search for hours on the internet which may eventually result in a failure.
- Homework should cover all easy topics that can be easily solved within minutes and the course related tough problems should be done in class to which the students can refer during their times of need and get the necessary help. It may consist of many topics, but they should be smoothly covered.
- Work that is given is meant to help every student and not to ruin his happy hours spent at home. So keeping that in mind, a regular system of giving the work should be adopted keeping pace with the syllabus and they should not be given all at once, such that the students find it hard to complete their job and eventually the task loses its value.
When should the Homework be given?
Home tasks are given for a gradual development of a student so that he or she keeps pace with the curriculum of a university. They are not to be given all at once, especially during the days before the exam when a student feels extremely pressurized.
A regular pattern of homework lets a student to feel all prepared and confident in the days of the exam and lets him relax and prepare for it. But putting pressure of home works is much unfairness on the part of the student.
Importance of Introduction of New Technology
New methodologies should be brought up in the teaching process so thatstudents can regain their lost interest which they used to have in every subject. Studies have proved that a class conducted by teachers with the aid of projectors not only helps a teacher to conduct their class smoothly and quite fast, but it also helps the student to grasp fast what is being taught in class. It has also resulted in the gradual improvement of the student’s results.
Techniques to be Adopted
Following techniques can help a student to focus more on their subject matter which in turn can act as a boost in their capability to do their homework:
- Projectors should be used
In the teaching process, each topic being taught through visual demonstrations as showing visual pictures fixes the attention of young minds to a topic and does not get diverted easily. In this manner a boring topic can also be made interesting.
- Classes should be more interactive
The classes should be made more interactive where each student is given a chance to clear out their doubts if they have any.
- Education should be more online based
With the introduction of social media apps, young generation has grown much interest in them. So, keeping their interests intact, the education system should be mademore online,through different professional websites where the students can ask their doubts and get them cleared directly through experts sitting at their home.
- Share study meterials
The study materials that teachers prepare to help them in teaching process should be shared along with students so that they get the proper guidance in their home.
- Social media group
Class groups can be made in Facebook or Whatsapp to make the classes more open and frank.
I hope the above contents will provide some help in thinking about the changes that can be brought in. The final conclusion that can be drawn from here is that a change has become very necessary and a shift to an online system of education is quite evident. Students can refer how to get the “The Complete Guide to be Proficient in your Assignments and Meet what the Teacher Demands.†For much needed help they require in following their busy schedule.
The teachers can act only as a guiding hand; the ultimate work has to be done by the students eventually. The students should be regular in their classes and should also be attentive. So it is always advisable to be serious before hand before it’s too late to act. Seek the help of your near and dear ones and tread on the correct path.