English literature is a very interesting subject that many students want to take. They like to read this topic and want to make acareer in this field. There are many reasons behind this. They can learn many interesting stories. They get the chance to spend their time with thenovel, poems, drama, short stories and many other things. When students need to take the admission in the college, they have to choose a subject and on the basis of this, they have to make their career.
In this situation, students who find interest in learning literature take the decision of doing graduation on the topic of English literature. I like to read story books. At the same time, I like to write new things. When I went to my mother and asked her which subject I should take, she advised me about the English literature. At that moment, I had a question. I wanted to know about the career opportunities of this subject. She suggested me to talk to my English teacher because my teacher is very experienced and expert in this field.
Opportunities for English graduates:
I come to know about many new things and many scopes that I can get after finishing my graduation.
- Field of media and publishing:
English graduates can work in many fields. Among many others, they can join in the field of media and publishing. In this stream, candidates need with strong communication quality and good writing skills. This is easy for the students of English literature because they spend a lot of time with the English subject. These students have the quality of creating something so they can easily improve their career in this media and publishing. Students who are interested in working in magazine publishing can start doing Internship for University’s website or magazine.
- Field of journalism and media:
In the field of media, there are many things that English graduates students can do. This sector covers newspaper to news blogs, film to television, gaming to game review and advertising to PR. Students can choose one of them according to their choice and interest. The interesting thing is that there are many ways where they can improve their career. Students who are interested in writing something new, they can select this journalism and media field.
For joining in this field, there are some very important points that students have to remember.
- This field is very competitive.
- For improving their career in this field, they have to be very dedicated.
- Working experience can help them to reach their goal and to achieve agood
- If they choose this profession, it is sure that they will start their career with a good salary.
- I got this information from my teacher. I was very impressed after hearing this. At the same time, I became interested in the field of media.
- Publishing careers:
Students with English degree get the opportunities to work in the field of publishing. People can think about the digital publishing if they want to improve their career faster. Digital publishing includes the areas of theelectronic journal, e-books and it also includeseditorial, administration, public relations, production, sales and marketing.
- Teaching profession:
Many students have the quality to teach and they can convince others. These students should think about the teaching profession. After doing the graduation, people can teach primary and secondary level students. If they have the interest to teach the students of thecollege, they have to get amaster degree. Some universities want aPh.D. degree for this job. They can do research and can explore some new things for the students.
This is not a difficult thing to get a good job after learning English literature. Many people think to find interest in this field and they like to spend their time with the students.
- Advertising and marketing field:
Students of this stream have the quality to create some new things and they have the good communication skill in The English language. So, they can easily work in this field for making new advertisements. This stream needs creativity. I came to know from my teacher that in this field I shall get high salary. This creative field increased my interest. After knowing all these things, I realized that there are many chances to improve the career if I take English literature as my subject.
- Writer:
Some students have writing quality. They can create stories and they can represent any idea in an interesting thing. There are many scopes for such students. They can write new stories for the people. This quality becomes stronger if a student reads literature. Pupils will be able to know the process of writing a story and at the same time, it helps to improve writing style.
- Other jobs:
There are other places where English graduates can use their degree for getting a job. These are:
- Information officer
- Marketing executive
- Records manager
- Arts administrator
- Academic Liberian
- Advertising copywriter
- Public relations officer
So, it is clear that there are many places and fields where students can join after doing their graduation. They can improve their career. If you are thinking to take this stream, go ahead because there are many chances to improve your career.
Skills that students need if they want to develop their career:
- Good communication skill
- Creative writing quality
- Independent working
- Researching written work
- Participation and leading in discussion
- Critical analysis and reasoning
- Quality to improve the teamwork
- Judgemental quality
If students have all these extra qualities; they can get several types of jobs. All these information help me to develop my determination. I was very impressed after knowing all these facts. I found more interest in this subject after knowing all these opportunities. With this degree, if students have the above-mentioned skills they will get more opportunities.
After getting all these information, I told these to my friends. I also tell these to my juniors so that they can make a right decision for their future. All students have a common query. They want to know what they will do after doing the graduation in English literature. I think all these suggestions will help them to choose the right path.