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Ways to Find Topics for Persuasive Essays and Experiments on Your Essay Topics

by Aug 30, 2018Essay

“Welcome to the world of English literature.” You must have heard saying this kind of sentences from your teachers. I’m not surprised at all because English is a language which is spoken by every country or lingua franca.
The literature of English is being taught in almost all universities all over the world. It is a taught as a foreign language and survey says that in 2020 there will be two billion English speaking in the world.
English is a mother tongue of many people so they don’t need to go for basic learning techniques.
English is not only a language but it is a source of communication with the world. So learning it in a correct way must need. School and colleges have English as literature subject to teach students about the history, evolution of English literature. It also teaches modern English. So if you have selected English as your literature subject then there is a long way to walk dear.
If you are reading this blog that means English is one of your language subjects. So why are you reading this anyway? This blog is ready to help you to complete your essay.
Most of the assignment of English literature is given by teachers is writing an essay. And trust me it is hard to find a suitable topic for an essay when your competition is high. If you want to score high in this area then persuasive topics are the best for you. it will give you an extra kick on your grade.
Finding topics for persuasive essays is a tough task because choosing a controversial topic will lead you to controversy too. Before selecting any topic there are some points you need to highlight in your mind first –

  • Your essay will represent your thought.
  • Think about the audience you are reading to.
  • The depth of the persuasive topics and think about how much it will induce to tour the reader and the listener’s mind.
  • Some controversial topics for the persuasive essay – world terrorism, Indo-Pak relation, world war 3, USA’s foreign relation, North Korea and trading with them etc.
  • If you have chosen a non-controversial topic then it must be the topic which is globally howling. For example, environment, GMO foods, religions, drugs, sustainable energy etc.
  • Try to give proof of your information if it is an informative one.
  • You can stay away from the topics on that you have less knowledge.
  • If you want to be creative in your essay and not informative then choose topics of a persuasive essay about relationship and equality. Where you are free to portray your thought freely.
  • Bring out the topics that surely lead the people’s mind to think. For example U.S. Law amendments, sexual freedom, women’s safety, internet, parent’s awareness towards children, military service, gender equality etc.
  • It is a clever idea if you chose your subject based topics. It will not only expand your knowledge but also give you a free area to play with words. And you are confident about the given information that mentions in your essay.

There are many essays you have to write for a whole year and choosing topics for persuasive essays is a difficult one.  You may think that why am I saying this to you because I have discussed many areas of topics for persuasive essays?
Here is the main reason because writing an essay is the key to upgrade your grade in English literature. And there will be almost 50 essays you have to write every year. Each topic should be different so that teacher will notice your creative works on literature. Each time you have work with a different topic, different subject, different field and a different approach.
Don’t worry and smile because there are more than 100 subjects you can work with. So you will not be running out of topics. But remember to choose your topic wisely. And if you can relate the topics with the basic life of the people then you can set your mark in high rank.
Some basic related topics for persuasive essays:

  • Sexual harassment
  • Child sexual harassment
  • Gender Equality
  • Women’s era
  • Drug awareness in students
  • Polygamy
  • Universal religion is humanity
  • God is one
  • Earth and environment and climate change.
  • Safety of women
  • Parents concern about children’s changing attitude
  • The Internet is the reason for the low grade
  • The Internet is the access to knowledge and the world etc

They are pretty much impressive topics, isn’t it? So if you are worried about the topics for persuasive essays then I think this blog is surely helping you. This blog not only gives you an idea of topics but also gives you a field to experiment on your own.
Now when you have got your topics for persuasive essays then it’s time to give you some tricks to present it.
Not everyone is an expert of speaking in front of the public. But if you have confidence about your essay there is no one can stop you except you. Yes! you heard me right. It is the poltroonery in your vein that is running under your skin. So don’t be afraid and speak through your heart and mind.
What to do for essay presentation?
When you are done with your essay then one thing you need to do is practice.

  • Practice in front of the mirror.
  • Focus on pronunciations.
  • Speak louder at an important point.
  • Give justification about the sentences which you are saying.
  • Ask questions of the audience to make them think.
  • Pause when you think you are stuck. Take a sip of water and start again.
  • It is the easiest way to avoid clumsiness is to speak slowly and gradually. So that you can breathe.

So there was much of a headache when you are given to topics for persuasive essays. Your entire hurdles will surely speak in your grade. Be confident and wise.
If this blog is able to give you all the solution to your problem then share with your friends and comment in the bellow section. Good luck.