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Unconventional Tips to Help You Learn from Your Statistics Homework

by Oct 1, 2016Statistics

Most students do not enjoy doing their homework. However teachers often utilize homework as an effective learning tool. Homework is considered an excellent learning tool especially when used in tandem with technical subjects like mathematics, statistics and hard sciences. If utilized diligently in an organized manner, your statistics homework can help improve your performance in the subject a great deal.
Here are some unconventional tips to help you harness statistics homework as an effective learning tool:

  1. Understand the purpose of your assignment:
  • Teachers assign homework with a specific purpose in mind.
  • Statistics homework is often assigned for practice or to teach students to apply new concepts and formulae that have been covered in class.
  • Sometimes it is assigned to encourage students to conduct independent research to augment class lessons or to help you prepare for a test.
  • If you understand the purpose of your assignment you will be able to understand and assimilate it better.
  • If you want to use your statistics homework as a learning tool, this will show you which area to focus on.
  • For example, if your assignment is designed to help you prepare answers for your exams, you can treat it as a mock test. Study the statistics chapter in question, time yourself like on actual exam and answer the questions. This will help you make the most of your assignment.
  • If you approach your assignment with an open mind and a willingness to learn, you will assimilate a lot of information. However if you only wish to put in the bare minimum effort and somehow just submit a subpar assignment, you will not learn very much.
  1. Don’t copy and paste information mindlessly:
  • Statistics homework is not intended as busywork. It is not something assigned to keep you gainfully occupied through the evening.
  • You need to complete your statistics homework sincerely and diligently in order to make the most of it.
  • If you copy and paste information from the internet, not only are you plagiarizing, you are also compromising your ability to learn what you’re putting into your assignment.
  • The correct process to adopt is a study-write-revise policy.
  • Study the topic assigned thoroughly. Once you understand it, tackle your homework questions without the help of your study resources to see how much you have assimilated. Once you’re through, go back to your resource material and cross check your assignment to see how you have fared and to correct any inadvertent mistakes.
  • This process of study is especially effective with technical and practice oriented subjects like statistics and mathematics.
  • If you need further assistance try this list of the Most Effective Ways to Overcome Statistics Homework Problems.
  1. Conduct thorough research:
  • Students often make the mistake of diving headfirst into an assignment without conducting adequate research.
  • Either they are in too much of a hurry to exercise due diligence when working on their statistics homework or they are just looking for short cuts. Either way, not researching your homework topic is never a good idea.
  • If your objective is to save time, you will find that researching and planning your assignments will actually save you time when you sit down to write it.
  • Your assignment will be coherent and detailed. Otherwise you will inadvertently take longer because you will have to think while you write, make a lot of mistakes and find it harder to learn because you’re attempting to bluster your way through an assignment that you have not studied for at all.
  • Certain assignments are designed to encourage independent research and self study. So you would be missing out on the entire point of those assignments.
  • If you wish to learn from your statistics homework, you cannot be lazy and limit yourself to just your text book.
  • In order to understand new concepts thoroughly, you will need to conduct adequate research. You may go through the different online avaible professional sites for unique concepts.
  • Take thorough notes while researching a new assignment topic. Writing will help you retain new information quicker and for longer. Further, you can keep the notes and use them to revise the relevant chapter before the exams.
  1. Avoid distractions:
  • Some students thrive on background noise when they are studying.
  • They prefer to have music or the TV on as it helps them relax and work o their assignment.
  • If you have time and you do not intend to learn from your homework assignment, then you may afford to do this but as a general rule, it is inadvisable.
  • Distractions like this will only slow you down and hamper your ability to remember what you have learnt.
  • It is best to choose a spot well away from the TV and the music system.
  • Keep your phone away, do not respond to texts or phone calls and log out of all social media sites if you’re working on your laptop.
  • Choose a quiet, secluded workspace if you want to learn from your statistics assignment.
  • When you focus solely on what you are writing in your assignment, you will understand it better and retain it longer. Otherwise you may mange to complete your assignment but have gaps in your knowledge where you have been distracted and have copied blindly.
  1. Study smart:
  • The idea is not to work yourself to the bone in order to learn from your statistics homework. Instead your objective should be to work smart in a manner that optimizes your time and effort so that you complete your assignments on time but also learnt the information you have studied while constructing that assignment.
  • You need to inculcate good study habits in order to make the most of your statistics homework.
  • Optimize your time by working on your assignment with a fresh mind, when you feel most productive.
  • Doing your homework at the end of the day can get it done but if your mind is tired, your retentive capabilities will be at your lowest. Not only will it take you a lot longer to complete your homework, in all probability you will not be able to retain what you learnt, thus wasting a lot of effort.
  • Similarly, while researching your statistics assignments try to create pie charts, graphs, histograms, flowcharts and mind maps.
  • Not only can you include these to make your assignment more dynamic, you can retain a copy and use it to revise the relevant chapter quickly, right before the exam.

So use these unconventional tips not only to help you optimize your time and effort, but also to ensure that you retain whatever you have learnt in the process of completing your statistics homework.