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Students Who Don’t Do Homework Need Guidance – Know Why

by Apr 17, 2016Homework Help

Both parents and guardians remain worried about students who don’t do homework. The concerned community has already discussed a lot about the pros and cons of homeworks, its necessity and how to motivate kids.But before we come to an acceptable conclusion, it is essential to understand the psychology of the learners – what goes in the minds of these young people.
Reasons for students who don’t do homework:

  1. They don’t take homework seriously –

One reason can be that students don’t take their assignments seriously. It’s just another work to do that most of the time they choose to skip. Teachers in class should explain the relevance of a particular subject and benefit of doing a homework on it.Make the learning session an interactive one.

  1. “I forgot” –

Students often fail to complete an assignment in due time as they forget about the task. A teacher should ensure that her student notes down the homework properly. Parents should keep a trackonwhat their children are up to.

  1. Pressureof other assignments –

As learners have to deal with different subjects at a time, they are given homeworks on more than one matter. Ultimately they fail to complete one or two.Schools should have an agenda of assigning home tasks so that kids are not overburdened and stressed.

  1. No understanding of the subject –

Most students who don’t do homework often complain of not how to do a project. This should not be taken casually. Teachers must conduct extra classes within school hours for doubt clarifications before giving an assignment. That will help build confidence among the learners.

  1. Simply it’s boring –

Homeworks are at times boring and monotonous. Staying with notebooks for 8 hours in schools, it’s possible that students are not willing to continue the same session even at home.They become more tired and prefer some relaxation instead of that boring science project. Both parents and teachers should try to make the task interesting so that students can relate to its relevance.

  1. It doesn’t come in their priority list –

Young brains have their own priorities thatthey desire to follow. They don’t find this same old homework structure worthy of doing and hence end up skipping them.To make them work, teachers should discuss with kids regarding their priorities and design the assignment accordingly. Students who don’t do homework will surely engage in interactive projects.
Ask yourself:
To make a fair decision, one should look into both sides of the story. Teachers should be sure about certain things regarding homeworks and learners.

  • Is the homework essential?

Ask yourself: are you assigning the task simply because that’s a part of education structure? Or the work is seriously essential for a student to enhance his learning skills? If your idea matches with the second one, then that’s good. But for the first one, you are making time-wasting efforts.

  • Do the children have skills to work on assignments?

Remember that homeworks are not to teach new ideas at home. It’s about revising the concept that has been taught in class and strengthening it. Now, if the concept itself is unclear, how are the students supposed to carry out a task alone? The school should monitor and develop required skills among students who don’t do homework.

  • Have you asked them patiently?

Some teachers don’t ask; they just scold for not doing a work. If you are one of them, drop this habit. There’s no point in scaring students. They will grow more aggressive with a ‘don’t care’ attitude. Talk to them patiently to make they feel you care.Once they get the confidence and speak out the truth, it will be easier for you to come up with an effective solution.
Many professors have come up with a query on what to do when students don’t do their homework? Alternative ways to motivate them. The fact is that punishments are no more solutions to such problems. It is our responsibility to provide guidance in a proper way to students who don’t do homework. We should make them know the need of assignments and how they are going to affect their life in future.
If you are aware of the problems that lie within young brains, you will be a step ahead in successfully motivating them to do homeworks. The guides both at school and home need to understand what their children want. Whether they actually are unable to understand the work, or are they stressed, or simply they feel like not doing an assignment. However, for the first two reasons, probably the work load can be reduced but for most who have the last point as excuse, it’s really challenging making them a habit.
Excuses are the best saviors:
When you fail to do something, you give justifications for the situation. That’s quite a normal tendency of human beings. Children are no less. Students who don’t do homework have their excuses ready to present before the teachers.
Here are some common and funny apologies:

  • The wind blew it away. I couldn’t get it even after chasing.
  • Probably it’s been left at home inside the dra
  • Mistakenly my father carried it to his office in his briefcase.
  • The old maid threw it in the dustbin thinking it as a waste.
  • I was absent on the day it was assigned.
  • I was too ill to get up from the bed and do the project.
  • The next door girl took it to copy. But instead she submitted it at her school.
  • There was a power cut and I burnt it for light to have my dinner.
  • My parents were not at home. I couldn’t have dinner. It’s not possible to work on an empty stomach.

These are few crazy excuses that teachers have to listen from students who don’t do homework. But these are not going to help them in the long run.Be kind and caring towards these students. Teachers should talk to them in aconversational tone to ensure; they feel free to share the truth. By doing so, you will understand where the kid lags behind.