Should Environmental Education Be Made Compulsory In Schools? Why?

by Nov 6, 2016Assignment Help

Environmental Study is a controversial subject that arises the question whether it needs to be taught or not in schools. Is learning about theenvironment a worthy? Whether it must be studied and what is it actually? These questions are frequently asked.
Environmental studies are the study that includes several complex interactions between nature and the people around; it consists of both non-living and living components of the earth. Environmental science is a broad and complex subject, which covers almost every basic and social studies.
By the increase in population, it has got some adverse effects on the world as well. Simultaneously by the growth of population, we need to extract out resources from the earth. The advancement of technology has helped us to circumvent the cycle partially but is unable to keep upwithpace of growing population.
So, to get to a solution, widespread knowledge is very important for a number of people to reach anagreement.
In schools, teaching environmental sciences has some several positive vibes:

  1. Basic science is spread throughout the world:

Environmental science is more of theapplication based rather than only theories like the core science subjects. Students tend to show interest and fully engage themselves towards the pure science subjects when they learn about its applications in real world.
For example, ammonium nitrate may be a tangent for some students. But when they find about the chemical having adverse effects on fishes and ultimately on our food chain, they show more interest in the chemical. Similarly, things are same for economic, civic and political issues.

  1. Having multidisciplinary nature is very essential:

In a classroom, the information operates within avacuum. Environmental studies and issues cover almost every aspect of science (like biology, physics, chemistry as well as maths). These solutions also have an effect on political, economic and social decisions.
Other than this subject, a student doesn’t have to keep in mind about several factors for making any decision.

  1. Complex problem-solving skills are required while opting for Environmental Studies

Solutions to these issues are very complicated,and it develops the social and decision-making skills of a student. This subject helps in improving the knowledge and capability to work in teams. A single person cannot cover all the bases neither he/she can have all the knowledge required or time spent.
Every single person has different opinions and is diverse ones. To get over this diversity, you need to have leadership skills. Environment issues must always be seen in long terms and must be considered for everyone’s welfare. If you consider the current education system, all these skills are missing within the students.

  1. The planet’s stewardship and our future based on it

It is very much important to have an education based on environmental studies for our survival. Some argue over the fact that overall situation and condition of the planet is declining day by day. While other debates on the fact that there is no other place to live in.
By taking these into consideration, it is necessary for us to educate every individual about the environment through environmental studies. By this, it ensures that you are capable of taking informed and intelligent decisions. By imparting knowledge to everyone, the future is going to be in safer hands.

  1. Transforming youth to be the conservation leaders in future

In this modern world, children are not connected to nature. They have actually become some couch potatoes and are more into the modern techs like mobiles, the internet and computer. They merely know anything about their outer world and nature. So to impart the knowledge, including environmental studies in the syllabus is a prime source to bring awareness in them.
America is one of the fastest developing nations. So, this generation is mostly growing indoors. This disconnection will not allow them to know the value of land and its usefulness.

  1. Service and teaching

Students not only get their education by studying environmental sciences but can also share their knowledge with others in the communities to create awareness among all. Service learning and community action programs must be arranged by schools that encourage students to get out and learn from the outer environment and improve it.

  1. Creative and critical thinking skills are upgraded

Environmental science encourages students to research, investigate about how and why things are happening like global warming, O3 depletion and other environmental issues and make their own decisions based on these complex issues.

  1. Encouragement to healthy lifestyles

Environmental sciences bring students outside and make them active. It helps in meeting the health issues in children like attention deficit, obesity, depression and disorders. Nutrition emphasises health and by spending time within nature stress in reduced.

  1. Strengthening communities

It promotes within the students a sense of place and connection by community involvement. When students take the initiative in changing the environment, they reach out for volunteers and community experts to bring the community together and address the environmental issues and its impact towards theenvironment.
Environmental science is not just a subject to study and get good grades. It imparts numerous benefits to students who otherwise won’t get if they don’t study.
From this, a student not only receives lessons on social, leadership and teamwork skills but also learns ways to solve complex problems in various other fields. As said, the students develop aninterest in pure sciences.
Environmental sciences offer something that no other subject can ever impart. If it is included in the syllabus in high schools, it is going to reach out to the mass and is going to be helpful as the population grows.