There are various steps which are involved in the application of Operation Research. The methodology adopted by OR includes:
- Monitoring operating environment
As it is already stated, Operation Research is a problem-solving method.Formulation of problems is seen as an initial step in solving any problem. This step is achieved through a complete and regular monitoring of thesystem and the environment related to it. Observers and researchers gather as much as information possible of those problems from these observations.
- Formulation of problems
A possibility of inter-connected factors regarding any problem in a certain situation is always present. It is not mandatory that management can control these factors everytime. The administration should try to identify those factors which are under control and are applicable to certain problematic situations.
Distinct variables can be contemplated which are responsible for any listed problems when certain problematic areas are identified. Once these formulations are done, these problems can easily bedefined in the expression of variables and its relationship with each other.
- Choosing and developing an ideal model
Choosing an excellent model which is suitable as well as a near perfect representation of a real life solution is very important in this stage. The development of such models is done for showing the association and inter-relation between effect and cause. In order to ensure that the applied Operation Researchtechnique is capable of solving problems, these models are completely tested and modified as per requirement.
- Data collection
Data collection is the next important requirement of the selected model. The dependency of quality and quantity of data for finding any solution covers a large extent in the process of Operation Research model. Betterwill be the quality of administrative decisions whenits data quantity will be maximum and any errors in it will be minimum.
There arevarious ways through which the required information can be acquired.
- Gathering information through observation.
- Collecting information from recorded data
- Records based on the maturityand experience of Operation Research team.
- Finding the solution
The possibility of finding a solution increases when the development of a model is complete.Under certain situation and assumptions, OR solutions are developed. For simplifying a model made by Operation Research team, many speculations are made by them. Once with the help of Operation Researchmethodologya solution is found, different input variables can be applied to see any changing output.Utilising this method, an optimum solution can be found.
- Solution presentation to administration
A proper presentation of any required solution is to be made by the Operation Research team in front of the management. A proper explanation is to be given to the administration regarding its conditions, i.e., where and when that solution can work or not. The management should also be made aware of the various assumptions which the OR team gathered to arrive at that final solution.Also, a thorough explanation of the solution’s weakness should be provided to the organisation.
- Solution execution
The final step in the application of the Operation Research technique is its solution implementation. Although the solution provided by this technique is scientific, there are many behavioural aspects utilised in its application. These behavioural aspectsare covered by the art part which is also another necessity other than the science part. If there are any differences in perception and approach between the management and Operation Research team, it should be removed as soon as possible.
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- Introduction and types of dividend
- Concept of cost of capital
- Capitalization meaning
- Concepts of working capital
- Concept of capital expenditure
- Learning objectives and chapter outline
Links of Next Finance Topics:-
- Tools of operation research
- Important application of operation research
- Pitfalls in the use of operations research for decision making
- Some applications of linear programming
- Review and discussion questions limitations of operations research
- Linear programming learning objectives and outline of chapter
- Introduction learning objectives
- Duality in linear programming
- Learning objectives
- Learning objectives and chapter outline in assignment model