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Learn How to Get Away with Not Doing Homework with Some Simple Tricks

by Apr 16, 2016Homework Help

Life is filled with opportunities. There are so many things that you want to do but it is not always possible as you might have school tomorrow? You might also face a problem of attending enough social lifestyles. School is alright until you have to deal with the homework. Listening to the teachers and taking notes are often fun to learn process but homework can be real troubles for you to handle. Perhaps all your friends are thinking the same thing. But how to get away with not doing homework and not even get caught? It is possible if you are clever and attentive to the person you are perusing.
How to get away with not doing homework?
First of all you have to decide if you want to the homework at all? Making excuses and never turning to complete homework ever can mark yourreputation. But then you are probably facing troubles and couldn’t complete the homework.
Both are different situation. But for me, I found it always very challenging to get different and creative methods to get my tasks done and also finding the sympathy of my teachers. After all, being creative is also a part of homework. I remember never using same excuses twice and also never get caught at the same time.
Never intended to finish it at all:
If your motive is to never finish it at all then the tricks become trickier. You have to be doubly careful and not to make a wrong decision when thinking of how to get away with not doing homework as your teacher may find all the reasons behind the façade and handle you with iron hands. Oops! It is just a guess; it is not always going to happen if you are clever. First of all make sure you thoroughly examine your teacher’s characteristics, is he oblivious or sharp? Does she collect the homework or just notice from a distance? Is she strict or sympathetic? These simple features are your golden clues.
Now here is how you are going to handle after finding the nature of your teacher.

  • If your teacher is oblivious then it is just your day! You can just use some excuses to divert your teacher’s attention. If he/she has any special liking to anything, make some notes on them and use those subjects as your weapon as if you have the same liking also, such and such. But make sure you have real time information when you are considering how to get away with not doing homework. Don’t blunder by delivering wrong information, after all that is your teacher.
  • If you are supposed to deliver the assignment or homework via mail then bingo! You will have lots of false points ready for action. First, you can always pretend as if you did send but wow! It never reached its destination. How did that happen? You and your teacher both don’t have the time to check the cause for that malfunction.
  • Saving the file with wrong file type is a fabulous idea of how to get away with not doing homework. You can see it through as writing something in a doc file then go to the explorer then right click to the file and open it with notepad. There will be a huge list of unknown setting click anywhere in between then just type something of your liking and then save it with doc file. Yup your file is corrupted. Send it to your teacher and be assured it will never show the art that you created.
  • Were you supposed to bring the homework in the CD? Then it is very easy when you are trying how to get away with not doing homework. Just break the CD and then bring lots of stuff at the same time. Enter the room and then make an attempt to fall down in front of your teacher and scatter the things with the broken CD. Your teacher will find how sad it is that you worked so hard and alas! It is all ruined.
  • If your teacher doesn’t collect homework at all then try filling your exercise book with some simple notes that you collected and fill the first pages with them. Ask some question on the subject at the time when your teacher just approached you and try diverting his attention.

Didn’t get the chance but want to do the homework:
If you are having troubles to manage your time and couldn’t complete the homework at the high time then it needs different methods to find excuses and get an extension. There are times when students try to find why is there homework? The pros and cons of this school task. If you are one of those students who find homework helpful then you are to follow different methods when trying how to get away with not doing homework and also find extra time to complete and submit the assignment, at the same time obtaining sympathyfrom your teacher.

  • Make a scene out of your family problems. Yes it helps, if you are a student who is often silent and looks shy to share things in public. After getting a soft corner of your teacher, blast the news that there was a huge problem in your family and you are suffering the consequences. Your teacher will definitely buy it and give you extra time to complete your homework.
  • Are you a person who doesn’t get sick often? Well it’s time you are feeling sick. Yes, you were sick and still didn’t recover to complete the homework. Make sure you use this excuse very rarely. Using it too much will make your teacher less sympathetic and will not extend the time.
  • Online homework and assignment help is here to assist! There are assignment and homework help service providers. Find those websites and complete your homework without any problems. They are professional on what they do and deliver accurate projects.
  • Getting a counseling class and finding solution is another great trick. Make sure you bring the subject that you are unable to manage all your tasks and homework side by side. Your counselor will give you advice and also consult with your teacher to represent how hard it is for you in your life being all busy.

If you are trying how to get away with not doing homework and cannot lie at all, then yes it is time to be truthful. It is a trick you should avoid with every possible ways as it hurts your image.