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Improve Your Maths Calculation Skills! Learn How

by Dec 30, 2016Mathematics

Mathematics can be a scary subject for many students. Most students give up without trying because it can sometimes appear complicated and daunting. However, with enough practice and the correct approach, you can master your Mathematical skills and score better in class.

Here are some tips to help you improve your Mathematical skills:

  1. Stick to a schedule:
  • Math is a practice-oriented subject that requires attention daily so ensure that you set aside a little time everyday to practice Mathematics.
  • Set up a timetable or use a planner to keep track of your other assignments so that you never miss a deadline.
  • In order to excel at Math, you must make it a priority and practice every day. You don’t need an ironclad Be flexible and make time whenever you can even if you’ve had a busy day.
  • It is best to practice good study habits and work on your Math when you are feeling energetic and productive. Don’t leave it for the end of the day when you’re exhausted. Practice Math everyday with a fresh mind, early in the morning or after a rejuvenating bath.
  1. Organize your work:
  • To succeed in any endeavour, you must approach it in an organized Ensure that you have an organized workspace that is comfortable, free from distractions and conducive to a learning atmosphere.
  • Arrange your materials diligently in separate folders so that you never mix up your class notes, resource materials and assignments.
  • Be punctual and always carry your textbooks, notebooks and other relevant resource material to class. Keep all your materials close at hand when you sit down to study at home.
  • Take clear notes in the margins of your textbook and your notebook for easy reference. You don’t want to waste time trying to decipher unintelligible scrawls in your books.
  • Work out all your problems neatly so that they are easy to refer to when you revise the topic right before the exam.
  1. Always work step by step:
  • Mathematical topics are often interconnected and cannot be studied in isolation. Each chapter is important and must be covered thoroughly in a systematic manner.
  • If you know the lesson plan beforehand, read ahead and prepare the chapter so that you understand it better when it is covered in class.
  • Review your notes before beginning a new chapter so that everything you learnt in the last class in fresh in your mind.
  • You cannot afford to skip difficult chapters or procrastinate and attempt to cover multiple topics a week before the exams.
  • Give yourself time to cover each chapter one after the other so that your concepts are built upon a solid foundation of knowledge.
  • Always work out your problems step by step to avoid mistakes and demonstrate your logic to the teacher. That way you may get marked for the steps you got right even if you made a mistake at the end.
  • If you tend to make too many corrections, complete your rough work in pencil so that you can correct it as many times as you need without making your work untidy. At the same time, this ensures that you don’t miss out on any step marking.
  • Diagrams are useful in different kind of Math problems and not just geometry.
  • Use diagrams to visualize difficult problems when you’re stuck looking for a new approach.
  1. Practice solving examples and test papers:
  • Math textbooks are often equipped with solved examples to help you understand how to work out the strategies, formulae or theorems you need to tackle difficult problems by yourself.
  • Once you have a basic understanding of the concepts, practice solving examples from Math textbooks or the internet and compare your answers step by step to the solved solutions so that you understand exactly where you went wrong.
  • Ensure that you actually work out the examples and the test papers. There is no point reading the solved examples as the only way to learn Math is by working out problems by you.
  • You can also practice solving sample test papers or mock tests in order to improve your speed and accuracy. Just remember to stick to your time limit and correct your answers fairly.
  • You can also submit your solved test papers to a teacher, tutor or parents and request them to correct it for you.
  1. Be proactive and push yourself:
  • In order to improve your Math skills you need to motivate yourself to go that extra mile to hone your skills. Be proactive and communicate with your teachers for any guidance, extra credit or practice assignments that you can pick up.
  • Don’t procrastinate on your Math assignments. Complete all your homework on time.
  • Work hard to make up if you are late and missed a deadline. Never skip a Math assignment.
  • Take copious notes in Math class. Not only will the notes help you revise and practice at home, you can also look up the bits you do not understand on the internet or seek clarification from your tutor.
  • Find a study partner or a study group. You could also enlist the help of a tutor or ask one of your friends to tutor you if you need some extra help.
  • Enjoy yourself and sharpen your skill set at the same time by signing up for group Math activities like a Math Club.
  • Don’t forget to give back. Volunteer to tutor a younger student or a weaker classmate.
  • Teaching is one of the best ways to revise and consolidate old learning. In fact your understanding of Math can actually improve from tutoring another student.
  1. Work Math into your daily life:
  • Stop using the calculator on your phone. The best way to improve your calculation skills is by incorporating math into your daily life.
  • Use mental math to calculate everything from discounts on a shopping trip, change from the cashier, simple measurements for cooking ingredients or even making a time estimate for a road trip.
  • Don’t forget to recheck your answers on your phone calculator just in case.
  • The more you practice working out small calculations in your mind, the better you will get at saving time when you have to solve a math problem on paper.
  1. Hone your skills with Math games:
  • Math games are both interesting and instructional. They are an excellent way to practice your math skills in a stress-free
  • You can find quick math puzzles like SUDOKU in the newspaper or invest in a math puzzle book.
  • There are also numerous games and apps available online that you can use to practice your calculation skills.
  • Just find one appropriate for your grade level and get started.
  • For more innovative tips to help you improve your skills and ace your class you need to come up with Fail proof ways to become the best student in your class.
  1. Indulge your curiosity:
  • Math can be a dry subject for some students. They need to be given the freedom to explore Math at their own pace and develop a love for it.
  • Teachers appreciate students who put in an effort and display a genuine interest in the subject.
  • If you want to improve in Math, don’t be afraid to ask questions and participate in class.
  • For those who are unable to connect to the numbers, Mathematics also has a diverse history that can help young students connect to difficult concepts.
  • For instance, they maybe more interested in an Archimedean circle or the Pythagoras theorem if they actually knew a little bit about Archimedes and Pythagoras.

So go ahead and keep these effective tips in mind in order to improve your skills in Mathematics. In this way, you are not only going to acquire good skills on maths calculations but you are also going to acquire better grades in exams. Make your choice now!