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How to Reduce Computer Science Homework Stress in 6 Steps

by Nov 8, 2016Computer Science

As students move from one grade to the next, the stress of homework increases. While some are able to handle the added pressure, many fail to adjust and change their habits to adapt. Trying to balance life with school work and extracurricular activities may be complicated, but it is not impossible.
Teachers and parents are required to assist their children in learning new methods of study and changing their habits so as to reduce the stress their feel on a daily basis. The crux of the problem lies in the fact that many of them are prone to procrastinate whenever they are set to work, thereby increasing the work pressure they face.
Reducing Homework Stress
As students here are a few simple steps to follow to minimize the abject strain of computer science assignments.

  1. Time Management
  • Being able to manage time and follow a schedule is one of the most crucial life skills that anybody could learn. It is something that is easier to learn in your younger years and master over the course of time.
  • The first thing you should know about time management is that it requires zero procrastination.
  • At no point during the school year should you willing push aside homework unless you’re genuinely ill, or have more pressing work to see to in that moment.
  • Facing issues with procrastination? Simple; create a schedule for yourself. This schedule may be a daily, weekly or monthly schedule.
  • It will provide an overview of all the work that needs to be done, deadlines and the time available for completion.
  • A daily schedule should be detailed; it must include all the work that needs to be done.
  • Ensure that each assignment is broken down into a variety of parts so that there is a rough idea of how much time needs to be spent in research and preparation, execution and revision.
  • Of course, this is all taken into consideration with the amount of time available for each computer science assignment.
  • It will be easier to keep track of deadlines as well. The constant reminder will act as a motivating factor in the long run.
  1. Paying Attention in Class
  • Computer science students fail to realize that they go to class to understand what is being taught and have a basic idea. Homework is simply a test in each class and the application of what has been learned to various situations.
  • Listening to the teacher and taking down detailed notes is one of the best ways to complete maximum studies.
  • It also provides the opportunity for students to ask questions about anything they do not understand, multiple times if necessary.
  • Focusing in class is difficult if you find the subject boring, but it is definitely worth it and shows the teacher your keen interesting in what is being taught and bettering scores.
  • The notes that are jotted down in class will provide most of the answers that are required for each set of homework questions.
  • Doubts and questions can be clarified immediately, and it gives you the chance to ask for some extra assistance or help if required.
  1. Balancing School and Life
  • While focusing on important tasks is very important, one must not forget about the other aspects of life.
  • Ensure that when making a comprehensive schedule, other activities are included as well, like extracurricular activities, socializing, plays, movies, outings, birthdays, etc.
  • This will help in determining a period of break so that you can have some quality time with yourself and re-energize and focus on the next day.
  • Do not try to cramp each day with theendless amount of tasks. Ensure that you take a break and do something enjoyable to relax and recuperate from all the hard work.
  1. Prioritizing Tasks
  • For many people, identifying one task as more important than the other is difficult because they are unable to determine the rules that set them apart.
  • If you have trouble prioritizing homework or other tasks during a particular day, use Eisenhower’s theory of importance.
  • According to this theory, tasks can be divided into four basic categories: urgent and important; not urgent and important; unimportant and urgent; unimportant and not urgent.
  • Each task or assignment should put into one of these four categories according to their levels of difficulty. Homework that is significantly more difficult will require some more time to complete and therefore, will need to be started
  1. Minimizing Distractions
  • We live in an age of technology, so it is understandable why students are constantly distracted; they live with their faces buried in screens.
  • In order tominimize distractions, it is necessary to put away phones and turn off any other unnecessary electronics.
  • Unless it is absolutely urgent, ask parents and siblings not to disturb you.
  • Do not browse the internet aimlessly while doing research or homework.
  • Refrain from listening to music while studying as this requires your brain to focus on two tasks at the same time which can be draining and tiresome.
  • This is especially important for an exam or tests because you will need to memorize a lot of things and do so within a limited period of time.
  1. Innovative Study Methods
  • Regular homework can be extremely boring but it is your job to ensure that your interest in computer science does not fade.
  • One way to do so is by creating new and innovative ways to study and do homework.
  • There area number of chic and nice printable to do lists, organizers and schedules available online that can be used.
  • When trying to remember points, definitions, etc., use the age old technique of flash cards.
  • If you’re falling short on time, create a time challenge that requires you to defeat the clock.

If you’re sure about your foundation, doing regular computer science homework will hardly be difficult. It is simply a matter of persistence and determination. Set small daily goals that contribute to a bigger end goal. Focus on your dreams and aspirations! This is the easiest way to convince yourself to study and work hard.