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How Can Fairy Tales Help Children Develop Better Personalities?

by Nov 8, 2016Assignments

While growing up, most of us have heard age old fairy tales. It has been passed through many generations. Those tales have been adapted/ changed around every now and then by our parents/ grandparents depending on the situation.
With the progress of technology and psychology, the debate as to whether fairy tales are actually good for the development and mental stimulation of children is continuing. Parents, teachers/ psychologists are unable to figure out whether they are wholly good or bad.
Of course, there is no denying the pros and cons of reading fairy tales to children. Many parents are opting for more practical/ realistic approaches to life, regardless of how tales and folklore could help children develop better personalities.
Here’s what you need to know-

  1. Examples of Situations
  • The most obvious point of fairy tales is that they can act as a substitute for real life examples of everyday situations.
  • Children are not attracted by what is actually happening around them, they usually find reality dull and boring.
  • These imaginary situations are full of life and other worldliness that gains their attention and allows them to focus on circumstances they would otherwise ignore.
  • For example, as they grow up they will realize that love and dedication are as normal as heartbreak.
  • With stories like the ugly duckling and goldilocks and three bears shows children that there are some people who may not fit in with their ideas of normalcy (their opinions and ideas may not be absolute at all).
  • It is important to realize this fact and aim to include everyone instead of banishing them from society.
  • It is difficult to explain why something may be right or wrong, whether it is a thought, action or feeling.
  • This is where story books can step in to save the day. Most fairy tales end with a moral of some sort that helps children broadly distinguish between actions and motives that are right and those that are inappropriate or wrong.
  • Associating these tales with real life situations, allows children to figure out what to do and apply their own analytical thinking to a situation.
  • It helps them think for themselves and figure out a plan of action or the next step that they would like to take based on the information they have and their own personal boundaries.
  • It teaches them how to share with other people, because most stories involve the moral of kindness, gratitude and love.
  1. Cross Cultural Boundaries
  • Beyond the community they live in and their families, children, usually have a restricted worldview.
  • One way to break some boundaries and go beyond everyday life is by introducing fairy tales and anecdotes.
  • These tales date back many centuries and come from all over the world like Germany, Japan, Poland, and Ireland, even India and other smaller countries and regions.
  • Giving them a background to the stories, helps them identify different cultures and customs that may still be prevalent to this day.
  • They understand that their ways and methods are not absolute, each region has their own modus operandi that must be followed and there are many things that are learned and incorporated in their own
  • They are able to learn about their old culture as well and how they use different ideas and learn more about their heritage and how their lives came to be.
  1. Enlivens the Imagination
  • This obviously one of the most obvious points that isabsolutely
  • Even people of the world of science and psychology find it hard to deny the power of imagination.
  • Had it not been for the imagination and creative thinking, many scientists would not have come up with their ideas and theories that define so much of our world today.
  • The ability to create worlds and think of impossibilities also allows children to develop their critical thinking.
  • To them nothing is really impossible, and as adults many develop ideas to create new and innovative literature or even to solve complicated mathematical and scientific problems.
  • It is this ability to use both the imagination and analytical sides of their brain that allows them to develop and function and more wholesome individuals that contribute to the society.
  1. Instils the Habit of Reading
  • Good reading habits allow students and adults to find an interest in school and their subjects.
  • It also helps in developing vocabulary, grammar, syntax and language.
  • Children who enjoy reading are known to be able to work out situations more successfully.
  • They are also more aware of the world and enjoy their studies because it involves learning new things and reading.
  • Because they enjoy reading, they learn how to focus all their efforts and energy on one task at a time which can be extremely useful especially for those children who have concentration and attention issues.
  • This definitely one of the older methods of teaching children. If you’re wondering “Are old teaching techniques going wrong? Everything you need to know” is about reality.
  1. Identifying and Dealing with Emotions
  • It is very difficult for many toddlers and children to understand the variety of emotions that are feeling or are capable of feeling.
  • It is even more difficult for adults to put these feelings into words.
  • Here is where fairy tales can be used. There is at least one fairy tale that covers each emotion from love and heartbreak to death and moving on.
  • Using a story to explain a situation to a child is extremely useful and can make it easier for them to cope, as well as for the parents to explain what is happening in their lives.
  1. Fun and Games
  • At the end of the day it is a fun activity that allows parents and children to bond.
  • It gives them time to interact and form a bond that goes deeper than the surface level.
  • These stories are also a means of great entertainment and fun.

Stories are the building blocks to every child. There is so much to learn and take away. The joy of stories is that they can be adapted even to modern times. Do not restrict your child’s learning and development according to the norms, allow them the freedom to experiment and learn for themselves through these little anecdotes.