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Few Steps Undertaken to Reform Higher Education in UK

by Sep 6, 2016Assignment Help

It is truly important to redefine the structure of education so that students can attain success in their life. Redefining success is the only step through which skewed education system can easily be rectified. So, are you aware of the basic needs that should be possessed to function society? Once you have proper education and acquire a better job enables individual to get proper information in different ways and gain experience.
Each student gain the ability to create a path that enables to develop skills, passion and talents. It is vital to identify the unique talent in every individual that can finally contribute in success of society. Individuals can evolve as perennial learners who can contribute in discovering and evolving knowledge.

  • Undergraduate degree in UK

Students usually seek for higher education at an age of 18 and plan to pursue their undergraduate degree. A three years course for students designed to gain their degree. But, it was found that in 2009, the university fees has increased to £9,000 per year for any British students and for international students it may cost around £10,000 and £30,000 so that students can easily develop any academic qualifications. With the help of British education, you can surely focus on developing analytical skills as well as writing.

  • Post graduate degree in UK

Once you have pursued your undergraduate degree, there is a chance of applying for postgraduate degree. In UK usually, you need to invest one year to gain Master degree. But, some PhD degrees may even take 7 years to complete. Through master degree, it is possible to get indulged into intensive study that would require proper research and critical thinking ability. You are not only assigned to attend classes, you need to spend a good amount of time on researching on specialized subject.
Board to check quality education in UK
In UK higher educational standards are analyzed by independent organizations that have the authority to regulate and inspect UK institutions and courses. The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) is assigned to conduct their independent audit which can easily ensure UK institutes to gain higher education and that is further supported with high quality and academic standard.
QAA has taken the authority to develop a mandatory code that helps to practice in UK institutions that can offer degree programs in different other countries. Someone getting involved in UK course and owning a degree from his own country can surely gain higher standards of teaching. Proper resources and support is offered to students in campus of United Kingdom.
Systematic changes in higher education
In the last 40 years, there has been an immense change in the higher education in UK. Some of the systematic changes are:

  • Threefold increase has taken place in number of universities since 1960s.
  • Changes has been done in mechanisms for disbursing any public funds.
  • Growth has been experienced in consumers that can outstrip growth in varied providers.
  • Change has been done to recreate a proper balance between public and private funding.

Does quality education for students help in sustainable development? Surely, it can help to build up a good society as the population is knowledgeable enough to contribute in growth of economy. There is a constant decline in funding and you will experience increase in regulation as well as compliance requirements. Proper teaching and research is now focused on to give evolution to higher education.
Higher education emphasized in learning society
It is important to understand that through higher education it is easy to embrace scholarship, teaching, research and adopt learning process. Higher education in learning society is a report that has been done by National Committee of Inquiry who is involved in Higher Education. It is a committee that was appointed in order to recommend shape, size, purpose and funding of higher education that can also include support for every student.

  • It is expected that in the next 20 years, UK would be able to create a society where every individual would commit to learning. This is a commitment that is needed from state, employers as well as individual who would join hands to provide proper education and training. To achieve quality life, it is important to focus on higher education.
  • The national policy objective is to focus on learning as well as research work that takes place in different levels. In case of higher education, institution, government, staff and students need to get completely involved in this process. There are no boundaries between vocational as well as academic education which can create a partnership between institutions and world’s industry and public service.
  • Higher education is truly improvised and this is gained through commitment to high standards of education and learning. A distinct contribution is done in development of learning society through research and teaching. Higher education will not only face challenges, but will also develop new opportunities.

Future of higher education in UK
Through proper implementation of different regulation, it is possible to ensure a better future for higher education. This would definitely encourage all students to demonstrate higher intellectual potential and this helps in attaining threshold of higher education that is beyond any expectations. It becomes vital to safeguard the awards which can ensure that qualifications can easily meet up with needs of students and create an impact throughout the globe.
Proper research has been undertaken to make sure that students evolve as the best and can avail different benefits that is found in this nation. Higher education will definitely depend on professionals and also on committed members that are well trained and rewarded. The effectiveness of response will surely determine future.
UK education course would help to gain high amount of confidence in regard to their abilities and make them well equip with different languages. Students become capable of undertaking analytical as well as research skills which can help them evolve as prospective employees. The UK University would make sure that you become efficient enough to procure a job that can build up career prospects. As a part of democratic society, respect and rights of individual towards society should be developed.