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Different Challenges Faced by Students While Doing Homework

by Jun 16, 2016Homework Help

Key Takeaways:

  • Challenges with Homework: Students struggle with motivation, distractions, time management, and understanding complex materials.
  • Impact of Technology: While digital tools offer homework help, they can also distract students from their studies.
  • Homework Time: Exceeding four hours of homework per week does not significantly benefit student performance.
  • Solutions: Strategies include minimizing distractions, managing time effectively, engaging teaching methods, and utilizing AI tools for learning support.
  • Purpose of Homework: Essential for reinforcing learning, but effectiveness depends on quality, not quantity.
  • Optimal Homework Amount: The focus should be on the purpose and effectiveness of homework rather than the amount.
Effect of academic stress on students who need help with my homework

Homework challenges are significant for students, involving task management and motivation issues. Despite the positive link between homework’s purpose and management, obstacles like large classes and time pressures make handling assignments tough. This article offers strategies for effective homework management.

Curated Reads Just for You:

  1. Discover 5 easy steps to make homework fun and boost your grades, transforming your study sessions into enjoyable and productive experiences.
  2. Explore the untold impacts of homework on mental health and learn how to safeguard your well-being amidst academic pressures.
  3. Find out how to tackle your homework when motivation is low, with practical tips for overcoming procrastination and staying on track.

Common Challenges Faced by Students While Doing Homework

In the heat of the homework debate, students struggle daily to harness their focus amidst distractions and manage their time effectively. In past times, students relied mainly on traditional methods like textbooks and handwritten assignments for their homework. Technology, however, has changed the ball game, with students now able to access online resources and digital tools for completing assignments. Ease comes with online libraries, citation generators, plagiarism checkers, and collaborative platforms.

Despite perks from digital advancements, homework remains a challenge for many. In fact, statistics indicate an average of 6.8 hours spent on homework each week by high school students. When one starts to consider the needs of underprivileged student populations, this figure can be seen as significantly high.

Yet, homework isn’t without its benefits, as it helps reinforce classroom learning. For example, additional engagement with course content outside classrooms increases retention rates, which typically stand at 50% or less. However, the OECD reveals an interesting fact; any time spent on homework beyond four hours per week hardly impacts a student’s performance. This startling revelation underscores the reality faced by students; the homework hurdle is real, and effective strategies for its management are imperative.

Speaking of potential solutions…

Lack of Motivation

Given the often rigorous demands of academics, lack of motivation is a common issue students face while tackling homework. This can stem from different factors, such as external distractions or a lack of interest in a subject. Finding appropriate solutions to this problem is fundamental to a student’s educational success.

External Distractions

In today’s digitally connected environment, it’s no surprise that External Distractions often stand in the way of students’ focus on homework. Social media, television, video games – these are the common culprits that decrease productivity. However, some of the effective strategies to manage these distractions include modifying their study environment. For instance, students can turn off their phones, limit social media interaction during study hours, or opt to study in quiet, distraction-free zones like libraries.

Lack of Interest in the Subject

Meanwhile, the homework debate suggests that lack of interest in the subject is another reason for students’ lack of motivation with homework. Whether it’s due to finding the subject boring, having an uninspiring teacher, or simply not seeing the relevance of the subject, these factors can greatly affect a student’s willingness to engage with the homework. Although the solution is not as simple as changing one’s attitude, teachers can play a significant role by making class content more engaging and directly relevant to students.


Dealing with a lack of motivation involves finding and implementing appropriate strategies based on the source of the problem. These include considering a distraction-free environment, implementing time management techniques, as well as seeking help from teachers to make subjects more relatable and interest piquing. Various research has shown that regular engagement with course content helps increase retention due to its repetitive nature. So, despite the challenges, it’s clear that homework still has a vital role in enhancing the learning process. All it requires is the right approach and attitude from students.

Time Management Issues


A major challenge many students encounter while working on their homework is procrastination. It’s a pervasive issue that often leads to last-minute studying or rush to submit assignments just before the deadline. In most cases, the homework ends up piling because of a habit of putting things off until the last moment.

One student, choosing to remain anonymous, confessed to writing an entire article just two days before it was due. This behavior often results in unnecessary stress and a compromised quality of work. Procrastination is a symptom of poor time management.

Overloaded Schedule

Overloaded schedules are another facet of time management issues that students dealing with homework face. The rapid pace of school classes, multiple subject matters, and the composition of a balanced schedule to allow for other activities and rest can be difficult to juggle.

A study conducted in the urban and rural schools of Bhutan uncovered that homework overload is indeed a persistent issue faced by students. The frequent overload then hampers the effectiveness of homework management, causing its implementation to become a challenge.


Effective management of these time issues often requires an array of practical solutions.

For Procrastination, self-motivation and incremental work schedules are crucial elements of the solution. One senior student, Taimane Mose advises having a “set to-do list”. There it helps to motivate oneself to commence little by little – taking full advantage of free time to engage in homework.

For an Overloaded Schedule, the proactive involvement of teachers is vital. Implementing strategies where teachers distribute homework based on students’ schedules, balancing their workload and considering the existing burden on their plate, would be useful.

Ending the homework debate, schools may contemplate a homework policy. Oriented towards assigning the right volume and frequency of homework would underpin the students’ academic benefits, thereby managing homework more effectively.

Though these challenges may seem daunting, the significance of homework as a tool for reinforcing classroom learning can’t be sidestepped. Remember, addressing these issues is not an insurmountable task. It requires robust strategies, consistent effort, and a sprinkling of self-discipline from the students. One must always keep in mind that homework isn’t merely an obligation to get over with, but an opportunity for reinforcement and practice of classroom learnings.

Difficulty Understanding the Material

One of the most common struggles students face when tackling their heaps of homework is difficulty understanding the material, whether due to complex concepts or inadequate resources. In an ever-evolving academic world that continuously presents new challenges, students often grapple with the assimilation of new knowledge.

Complex Concepts

It’s not uncommon for students to grapple with complex concepts while reviewing their coursework. At times, certain topics might appear rather intricate or abstract, causing students’ comprehension to waver. This is undoubtedly one of the challenges in the enduring homework debate. These complicated theories and ideas are often hard to absorb in short classroom sessions, and their complexity becomes all too apparent when it’s time to tackle the homework.

Such struggles aren’t merely restricted to one disparaged subject. There’s always a likelihood of encountering a difficult topic, regardless of the class or subject being studied. Whether it’s the enigmatic equations of algebra, cryptic chemical reactions, or the nuanced narratives in literature, complex concepts often lead to homework headaches.

Inadequate Resources

Another noteworthy challenge students face when attempting to handle homework is inadequate resources. This is especially relevant considering the distinct needs of underprivileged student populations that are often overlooked.

If a student wasn’t able to fully grasp the essence of a classroom’s teachings, the lack of necessary learning resources will only serve to amplify their homework strife. Having limited access to educational resources, whether offline or online, can seriously hinder a student’s ability to grasp the essence of a challenge.

Lack of access to a conducive learning environment, like a quiet study space, or foundational study tools, like dictionaries and textbooks, can make it tough for students to elucidate those complex class concepts.


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How Much Homework Is Too Much Homework?

The homework debate continues to rage on across various educational sectors. One of the noteworthy findings in the emiurban and rural schools of Bhutan is the positive correlation between homework purpose and homework management. However, it’s interesting to realize that the homework purpose justifies the homework management by only 19.1%. Several challenges pop up here

  • Large class size

  • Time constraints

All these challenges impede the effectiveness of homework. In this scenario, where the right balance between assignments and rest periods still remains elusive, the question arises, “How much homework is too much homework?

Moreover, research has unveiled another layer to this issue, indicating that the burden of homework may surpass the initial intent, leading to a state of overload. This excessive amount of work becomes daunting, causing the enterprise of homework management to be challenging for students.

The question of homework quantity isn’t solely pertinent to one style or culture. A study examining preferred and actual homework styles among 272 US seventh graders and 219 Korean age peers found certain disparities. There were notable differences in the elements of homework style which highlighted variations between the two cultures, stressing the need to align the homework environment with the students’ homework styles.

Cultivating an effective homework policy can be a potential solution, ensuring the assigning of an appropriate amount of homework to finesse academic benefits. At its core, the fundamental objective always circles back to value-adding and beneficial homework experiences rather than sheer bulk.

Hence, it becomes crucial to tweak the conversation from “how much” to “how effective” when it comes to homework.