Economics is one of the most important subjects, especially for commerce students. It is mostly a theoretical-based subject which requires a lot of concentration and time to get to know the matter better. To understand economics, you must have a clear understanding of the theories proposed by the economists and the applied mathematics.
You must have an up to date knowledge about current economic affairs from newspapers, magazines or the internet. Preparing for an Economics exam might be exhausting, so here are 7 tips that will help you achieve outstanding marks in your economics exam.
- Understanding the subject
First and foremost before doing anything, you need to understand what exactly economics is. As a matter of fact this rule applies for any subject. But here it’s about economics. One of the best ways to study about economics is to go through economic blogs.
You will have a much better understanding of the subject that way. You can take the help of your tutor at home or school. Ask assistance for extra classes to get to know the subject better.
Consult with your teacher and buy good renowned books about the subject to have a better understanding. Do projects and testimonials on the subject. Again, you have to do these for all subjects that you have to prepare for exams. In this way, you can focus on gathering more information to make your stand better in class.
- Make notes
Making notes about any topic reduces the time and effort that goes into learning it. Microeconomics might be a bit easier to learn with all small questions that are there. Mainly for macroeconomics, highlight the important parts, take notes and write down the key points.
- Ask yourself questions about the topic after learning it. Evaluate yourself on different topics.
- If your teacher tells you some topic is important, immediately mark the topic, to study at home.
- Draw graphs for everything. In Economics graphs make more sense than writing.
- Comprehend the logic behind everything, especially numerical. Understand the concept it will be a lot easier for you to study later on.
- Prepare a study schedule
Preparing a study schedule is very vital. If you do not have a schedule, things will get messed up and you won’t be able to get anything done in the end. Dedicate time to every subject. But if your main focus is on economics then make a special time table for it.
Jot down the important chapters which are necessary for the exam. Mark the chapters you think you might be weak in and have to focus more. Go through the contents and tick mark the chapters you might have to focus less on. Obligate yourself to the schedule wholeheartedly.
- Diagrams and Numerical
As said earlier, diagrams in the form of graphs are one of the most important in Economics. Your answer should have a graph next to it otherwise many teachers tend to give less marks. Try to base your answers in terms of graphs. Illustrate from the graph as to why things happen. Numerical are also an important part of this subject.
Though not in vast numbers, it surely is important to increase the overall marks. The questions for the numerical problems are also easy. Practice the sums; it will not take much time to understand the concept. Write down the formula’s on a separate piece of paper to help recapitulate later.
- Try group study
Group studies are good in a way; you help each other understand the topic much better. Suppose if you do not understand something then your friend can help you with the topic and vice-versa. This will also help you in keeping updated with the latest questions. But try not to have a large number of people as it may result in more fun rather than studies.
Group studies are also helpful if you are required to do some projects or lab reports. You can share and create new ideas. If your Chemistry friend needs any help with chemistry lab report, it will be better to check correct steps to write a chemistry lab report.
- Check previous years question papers
This is something very crucial. Many questions are bound to be repeated from previous year’s papers. Get hold of the papers. Ask your senior to lend you the question papers. Collect other sample papers also to help you with your study.
Get to know the type of questions that come and the pattern of the question paper so that you are not blank when you receive the paper in the exam hall. Solve as many questions as possible and get them checked by your teacher so that your mistakes are pointed out to you. Mend those mistakes.
- Keep calm and have a good night’s sleep
There is no use in tearing your hair and staying up late nights to study. Instead study the whole day and in the evening and go to sleep early at night. Wake up in the morning with a fresh and clear mind and start to study again. Before the day of the exam don’t take stress and revise whatever you have done. Have faith in yourself.
Do not get confused in exam hall. Take a deep breath and read questions properly. Do not rush while reading. Write your answers in proper format with relevant examples and graphs. Students those who follow these tips dedicatedly and you will be sure to ace your economics exam and get good marks.