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Accounting Homework Help

10 Ways Accounting Students Should Follow for Faster Homework

by Jun 29, 2016Accounting

In this piece, we shall look into ways to get your accounting homework done fast. But it would require a certain degree of preparation from your part as a student. Procrastinators Beware! Accounting is not a subject that you can leave for the last moment. If you do so, you my fellow are going to land yourself in some serious trouble. Accounting is an interesting yet a technical subject with various rules and calculations.
The reasons why accounting is not so much liked by some students could be because

  • It has lots and lots of calculations. Hence, students who detest calculations or with poor math skills end up resenting the subject.
  • The key to understand accounting is keeping the lessons up to date. This is because each new topic builds on previously taught topics. This means if you don’t study or just skim chapter 1, you will have difficulty in understanding chapter 2. And then you will have no clue of what is happening when the teacher begins chapter 3 and become totally lost by chapter 4.
  • You cannot study accounting like you study subjects like history or sociology. This is a logical subject that you need to understand all rules with questions like ‘How’ or ‘Why’. So for those who depend on memorizing, accounting can be a pain.

However, with further ado here are 10 study hacks to get your homework done faster.

  1. Take good notes in class:

The preparation begins from the class itself. When in class stay alert and focused and listen to each word that your teacher says. Research has it that listeningto a topic is a much faster way to learn it than reading the same from a book. Making notes is a good practice. It will

  • Keep you from loosing focus and get distracted. If you get distracted, you may miss a step in between causing you to lose track of what’s going in class.
  • You can refer to your notes in case you need to refer.
  • Sometimes the teacher might drop in some hints on how to approach/ study a topic. Jotting it down ensures you do not forget it.
  1. Begin Right Away:

Try to do the homework the very day it has been assigned to you; preferably within 24 hours. That is because the topic is still fresh in your mind. Remember, as you delay it further and further, more information seeps out.

  • Before you begin with your accounting homework, review the last few topics previously covered in class. Since topics in accounting build themselves on previous topics.
  • After reviewing the previous ones, go through the notes you took in class. Also consult the textbook if required.
  1. Look for patterns:

Say you are studying a topic area like accounting for inventories, then you goal should be to summarize broadly each of the rules that you come across. By summarizing broadly doesn’t mean simply writing the name. It means explaining what it is in brief enough to help you deal with accounting details, also including any specific detail like any exceptions etc.

  1. Work out steps:

Make a list of steps on how to work on a problem. Say you have three different types of problems. So, after you have made the summary, first mention the type of problem.  Write the steps you need to follow in general. Do the same for the rest. These form guidelines so that in case you are stuck, you can proceed side by side. They also come handy when you are preparing for the tests.

  1. Study in with your friend or in groups:

Two heads are better than one. Studying in groups or with your best friend has always been a popular choice of doing homework fast. Extremely helpful in case of a tough subject math or here in our case – accounting.

  • You may find the topic difficult to understand, while your friend may not. This means she can help you guide through that topic. It is much better than reading it from scratch, consulting books or the internet. Saves time. You can also return the favor next time.
  • Tutoring/ Explaining someone only reinforces of what you have learnt. Teaching is a great way to remember as the human mind is capable of forgetting easily.
  • In case of huge loads of homework, divide the workload among friends. Say there is homework from 3 topics. So in a group of six, two people get 1 topic each. After they have completed their topic, they can help out the remaining 4. Saves time here too.
  1. Get online Help:

Getting homework done online is also an option. Especially if you are so tied up in your routine that you are not able to do your homework. Or if you felt sick and missed classes but still have to submit in the homework you got on that day. It is also opted by students who do not want to attempt doing homework all by themselves. But when you do so –

  • Start as early as possible. Do not wait till the deadline.
  • Check whether the company you approach is reliable and will not ditch you.
  • Check the rates as whether they fall within the budget.
  • Specify your requirements and deadline.
  • Lastly proof read thoroughly before you finally submit.
  1. Eat and Live Healthy:

Junk food makes you feel lethargic, sleepy and may also give you a stomach cramp. You cannot work out a logical subject like accounting this way. Tea/ Coffee give you an initial surge but then that goes away within an hour or two. So eat healthy meal of fruits, vegetables before you sit down to do your homework.

  1. Set up your own space:

It is always better to have a place of study in any corner of the room. Your bed is a place where you sleep. If you sit down to do your accounting homework on the bed especially late at night or early in the morning, chances are that you may fall asleep.

  • Before I had a study place of my own, I would always study on the dining table after my family wrapped up after dinner. Sitting on a table and chair made me feel more alert like that of being in a class. Also it helped my posture.
  • Also, before studying make sure you have everything – your books, stationeries, notes etc with you. So that you do not have to run each time looking for it.
  1. Take Breaks:

Your brain requires some time to be able to grasp a new topic. Taking some time off from your work gives enough time for this new information to sink in your mind. Also, a break helps in re-energizing your whole body and you are good to go for another round. Take a short break of 5 minutes after a 20 minute session of homework. If you can concentrate more you can also do a 30 minute homework session.

  1. Keep away from distractions:

Biggest distractions today are the Smart phone and the internet. So switch off the internet and hand over your mobiles to your guardian They are so addictive in nature that a simple 1 minute glance can turn out to become a 30 minute session.