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10 Top Apps for Students 2016 to Learn Any Subject Easily

by Apr 16, 2016Homework Help

Student life plays a very important role in everyone’s life. In this phase, pupils have to learn many important things and study many important topics. This entire process is not easy. There are many difficult things that students face. In this situation, technology has offered them several facilities that have made their study process more comfortable and easier. In modern times, most of the students use various types of electronic gadgets and advanced apps that are helpful to learn a subject. There are several top apps for students 2016 that have solved their several problems.
top apps for students 2016:
I am a college students and I have faced many problems during studies. One day, when I told my teacher about my problem and I wanted to get some quick solutions, he told me about some effective apps. After using them, I got surprised because these helped me to reduce many of troubles. There are various types of apps those are free and can be used in iOS or Android devices.

  • iStudiez Lite
  • iTunes University
  • Exam Vocabulary Builder
  • Coursera
  • Dragon Dictation
  • Skype
  • Brainscape – Smart Flashcards
  • Google Drive
  • MyScript Smart Note
  1. iStudiez Lite:

It is very difficult for the students to manage assignment, exam schedule and course. This iStudiez Lite helps to manage all semester, assignments, course and at the same time pupils can set several alarms.


Every students need to take the help of dictionary because it can tell the meaning of any word within a second. In this situation, app is perfect. With the help of this, they can know the origin of any word, history of any word, synonyms antonyms and many other details of words. This app always helps me. This is one of the top apps for students 2016. This app is very helpful for. Except students, other people also use it. Whenever I want to know the meaning of any word, I open this app and writer down that word. Within second, I get all information about that word.

  1. iTunes University:

With the help of this app, students can get course materials of their subject from several top colleges and universities. I use this app to know about the course materials of my college. This app only can be used in iOS devices.

  1. Exam Vocabulary Builder:

Improving vocabulary is very important. Not only students, many persons want to develop their vocabulary skill. For this purpose, Exam Vocabulary Builder is a very helpful app that I like to use. I also like to suggest it others so that they can improve their vocabulary. Pupils whose first language is not English can use it to get effective result. There are many top apps for students 2016 and among them we can remember about Exam Vocabulary Builder. It has increased my vocabulary and I told my friends to use it for developing their knowledge.

  1. Coursera:

Sometimes, students have to prepare themselves for their country-wide exam. In this time, they do not get the help from their teachers. So, this is a matter of tension. In this situation, they can think about This is an online education website from where they can get guidance. I have installed this app in my mobile and I got many advantages from them.

  1. Dragon Dictation:

This is very natural that students have to prepare several notes and they are bound to write pages after pages. In this situation, their finger becomes tired and they gradually lose their interest in studying. The easiest way is to install this Dragon Dictation and speak whatever you want to write. It reduces many problems of the pupils and save lots of time. This is one of the top apps for students 2016 that I like to use and want to get the facilities. It helps me to save my time. Sometimes, I feel tired and do not want to write. At that time, I use it.

  1. Skype:

Skype can be used for the purpose of studying. This is a perfect app for talking to friends or relatives but many students use it for their learning purposes. I call my teacher who helps me to clear my doubts through Skype. It helps to understand any difficult topic easily. For taking study help from my friends I also use it.

  1. Brainscape – Smart Flashcards:

Brainscape has several flashcard apps for apple devices. Smart Flashcard is one of the Brainscape. These are brain games that help for studying SAT, Chinese and many others.

  1. Google Drive:

Students can draw diagram, make spreadsheets, take notes, create presentation and can keep them in cloud. Google Drive is actually a cloud based app that has capabilities for documents, diagrams, spreadsheets, presentation and many others. This is very helpful for students to keep their documents. They can use it in iOS and Android devices. Google Driver is also one of the top apps for students 2016. I use it for keeping my documents, presentation and many other things. I think students should use it.

  1. MyScript Smart Note:

Class note is very important and very helpful for those students who want to understand their topic clearly. Pupils who like to take class note, sometimes think to write notes on tablet instead of paper. MyScript Smart Note app is for those pupils. Here, they do not have to type words. They can write as do on the paper. There are several types of apps that students can use for writing their notes. This is a free app for iOS and Android devices. This is an excellent app that students like to use.
All these apps are very helpful for pupils and these have make student’s life very comfortable. There are many problems that can be solved with such apps. I have very good experience of using these apps and I always tell my friends to use them. In present time, with the help of the technology, learning a difficult subject easy and they can improve their career. These are top apps for students 2016.