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10 Tips to Score Good Marks in Mathematics

by Sep 6, 2016Mathematics

Scoring good marks in Mathematics is somehow difficult for many students. Mathematics is not easy for a lot of students. Basically those students who want this subject for their future use, but unable to score well even they have knowledge. So, let us discuss some basic points that can easily give an excellent result.

What are the tips to score good marks in Mathematics?

If you are getting less mark every time, you need to overcome. But, the question is how? Here are some tips for you. You should follow these tips to overcome that worst condition. These are as follows-

  1. Try to understand the question

If you are solving a question, you must understand the question. So, read it very carefully and know what values are provided and what is required to evaluate on that basis. If you are confusing while evaluation, just write the given values first with its details. This will clear your mind and you can easily understand that what you need to find out now.

  1. Concentrate on your question

When you are going to solve a question, just go through the units along with the value. If you get confused in this you will not be able to acquire good marks. Suppose you got length in cm and you need to provide the answer in m, or similarly, a problem is jumbled with seconds, and minutes and you need the answer in minute. Don’t over look any unit, change them into a single unit and then solve to find out the solution. You will surely acquire full marks.

  1. Calculation is very important

The most important part of mathematics is your calculation ability. If you are calculating properly, your score will be good. But, in case you are weak in calculation part even after knowing the way of solving problem, you will not get an exact solution. Suppose you have seen a question and solved it. You know that it is correct as your steps are correct, but you have done a single mistake and it was very silly mistake of addition like 178+22= 300. In place of 200, so you will get zero here. Be careful in the calculation part of a question.

  1. Formula

The different parts of mathematics as Trigonometry, Algebra, calculus, Permutation and Combination and any other part follow some theorems, rules and formula. You must have some knowledge of related formula. If anyone confuses, he will not be able to solve the problem correctly. The easiest way of proper use of formula is write each formula every time you solve a related question. Moreover, if you really desire to learn it properly, write all formulas several times on your rough copy. For an exact formula you need to understand the concept of every chapter in well manner.

  1. Practice

All your problems of understanding problem will be solved easy, if you practice this subject properly. You need to practice as much you can do. It means, a lot of practice will develop your mind to catch the problems easily and you will get the ability of solving the problem quickly. Fix a time for your practice maths and solve the problems properly. Try to increase your speed of writing as well as solving the problems. Always check your solution after completing it.

  1. Go through the different reference books

Every student who desires to grab a good score should have the exact knowledge or depth knowledge related to the topic. Even you have an excellent knowledge you must improve it by going through a lot of questions. So, how would you get a number of questions related to the same topic? Don’t worry, just pick up the various reference books and try to solve the questions. If you do the regular practice, not only your knowledge will get increased, but your calculation power will also get increased rapidly.

  1. Just make a few twists

If possible after solving a question either simple or critical from the book, you can change the data values or you can change the question a little bit for twisting the question and now solve your question again. You will get a good grip over the subject. If you think that it is wasting your time, it is not so. It will give you more confidence each and every time you do that.

  1. Prepare yourself

If you really desire to achieve a good score, enhance your confidence by going through different questions. Moreover, for a good preparation, just explain the term or the reason wherever necessary during explanation of a theorem or different geometrical explanations. The main motto of mathematical explanation is following the rules and work over that. So, you can easily prepare your self if you have a complete knowledge of explanation and how to represent the answers properly.

  1. Collect objective questions

It is one of the best ways to increase your knowledge. If a student knows how to solve the questions, he must try to solve it. But, if he only knows its correct option just by guessing, then it is the probability of getting the different ideas, at this juncture that student is not confident. Thus, always try to select an option with explanation of reason that why some particular one is completely correct, or why it is not correct.

  1. Meditation-

One of the important points is increasing your concentration level. Thus, meditation is necessary for everyone to increase the concentration level. Fix a time and do meditation at that time regularly. Now, you solve problems, you can see the changes. Another important thing is sometimes after a continuous study for 3-4 hours, take a break of 20-30 minutes. You will get exact refreshment.

Every student desires to acquire good score in all subjects, but many of them do not understand the concept. So, in this case they can easily select what are the basic factors that student should follow for scoring good marks? Now, you can easily grab the best solution of mathematics problem. If you follow the above factors, you can easily score good marks in Mathematics.