Working with a proper plan enhances your confident level about the work and you get the perfect outcome according to that. However, it is not always perfect to work with a proper plan. Even, you feel that your homework excuse never works out the way you plan. What is the reason behind this? A lot of factors are there which can make everything improper, but if you take care of these things a bit, then you can easily get everything in a suitable way. Moreover, your excuse will also work in an optimistic way.
What are the reasons that clear that your homework excuse never works out the way you plan?
- Way of planning –
When a student plan, then he must know that which subject would take how much time? Moreover, if you assume that a subject takes 20 minutes, but it has many difficulties, then you can easily get that this task may take more than 30 or 40 minutes. So, always plan properly to acquire the gives positive outcome. However, students make plan to furnish up their work well.
- When a student takes a break –
It may happen that anyone takes a break for 10 minutes and start surfing internet for a long time. It may happen that the estimated time gets increased from 10 to 15 minutes and sometimes more than that. So, you can easily get that the problems get increased and along with that this time schedule gets changed. Now, who is responsible for it? This is none other than you. So, your time table again gets disturbed for that. Internet, chatting with friends on social media and television are the worst sources.
- You are not serious –
If the students have some sudden problems and due to which they do not complete their work, then they should be positive and be careful to explain where they face problems and how to get rid of that. If they need some excuses, then they should. Don’t repeat the things again and again as this is not the right way.
- The place you select for doing homework –
It is very important for you to select a place which should give you the perfect environment for completing your study. Now, if you select a place which is not give you a calm environment where you can think about the problems and solve them properly, then it will surely take a long time to complete your work. Many times people gather and you do homework beside that, this is not the way of making the things perfect for a student. In higher classes this will disturb you more. So,
- Understanding the matter –
A lot of questions is there that can twist their meaning and it means you are not able to get its main motto. So, in case you have some problems in understanding the problems or the questions, then it would be difficult for you to understating. Some subjects are unable to understand by a student. One of these subjects is Physics and if you think about some difficult problems, then everyone is ready to assist you. It may be your parents or your teacher as “Physics homework battle: Who will win students, teachers or parents?†gives you a perfect sense about that.
- A lot of subjects are there –
In case you have a time table to complete your homework, suppose 2 hours, and you get a lot of other task or homework on that day, then you are unable to complete your homework in estimated time.
- Lack of concentration –
One of the most important issues that will make you confuse is lack of concentration. This is because, when you get disturbed by own as you are in stress or think of something else, then you cannot concentrate on your study.
- If you are doing homework with your smartphone –
It is very important to keep the things aside which can create problems in your way. Distracting substances must be kept aside to overcome the problems. If you are doing homework and your smart phone is there beside you, then don’t think that you can easily complete your homework in your estimated time. So, your time of homework will be increasing and you will not be able to complete everything on time.
- Wrong estimation –
Always try to complete the goal on time. But, before you do that your estimated period must be perfect. Don’t try to avoid the things which you cannot do. If you try to complete your homework within an hour, which is not possible and you know that, then its time from one hour to 2 or more. This will give you a perfect resolution and a complete satisfaction when this can be completed within the estimated time.
- Improper selection of the subjects while planning –
While you do homework you can select one subject first and then other. But, it has some proper way and it is said that difficult subject must be done first, however in some expert’s opinion the selected subject should be the easier one first.
After completing all, you must try to do the difficult one. But, if you go with the difficult one first then it may take more then your assumed time. So, in that case you just need to go with the easier one and if you notice that this takes a long time and not perfect for you to understand the actual matter, then leave the question as it is. Go and ask about it to your teacher on the very next day.
Now, if a student thinks that he can easily complete everything and get an expectation first, but when he goes through a lot of problems, then it may happen that he is unable to fulfill that expectation. So, in your case, every time you try, but fail because of these above reasons. One more thing here is lack of knowledge and to improve that a student must follow the two important factors, first listening or note down carefully the things that your faculty explains and the second one is practice. Try to avoid the excuses and you can easily achieve your target.