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What Does Education Mean to You and Your Future?

by Nov 2, 2015Homework Help

Well, this is a very tricky subject to talk about. Education has different meaning to different individuals. Not everyone seems to think about the same things. For some education means being highly qualified, some think about having some basic education, but for some education is just the only way to shape your career.

So, it is observed for always that different people have different sayings on education. Education in earlier days though used to be a lot different.

It involved going to schools for primary learning and receiving knowledge on various subjects that are required for survival in the society. It had nothing to do with politics or organizational profit or various other things. The sole motto then was getting primary education. You will be surprised to know that what we see today in this sphere of education did not even exist until some few years before it made its way. Nowadays you see so many sources of getting information that you can use according to your needs and fulfill the purpose of getting knowledge.

Earlier there were even fewer schools and scopes for studying. But with the advancement of time and technology this gap somehow managed to subside somehow. Now there are plenty of opportunities where you can choose your best possible way in order to learn.

Now, meaning of education is something that has no real definition or answer. For some education means a fuller development from all spheres for complete survival in the society. On the other hand, for some education may not mean that. It is a relative concept that depends on how you take it.

Nowadays receiving education is made quite simple. It is available pretty easily through the worldwide network of internet. What an invention by Charles Babbage! With that simple analytical machine being its first phase, it could now really do so much.

With the advantage of internet, education could now be received quite conventionally like:

1. Through searching the relevant subject matters on search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing.

2. Get in touch with friends family or expert individuals who can help with their knowledge.

3. Information can be transferred pretty easily through emails, messages and a lot of other mediums that have come up.

4. Get good quality online videos where descriptive analysis on subjects is available. These are made by expert individuals using diagrammatic representations and explanations in order to clear any doubt. Or there is also the media where an individual who is staying far away could have explained live and uploaded the video! What else can you ask for?

These are enough advantages that have made life easy. Now if you want someone to explain something to you who is not available right in town for you, that is also not a problem. You can write to them seeking for help and those could be answered right away. This is such an advantage that people had no idea till the late 20th century. But certainly this has built the future of education. Sources of internet are one of the most visited and primary ways of education and information in today’s world.

Now we are so dependent on these computers and its applications that it is even hard to imagine life without it.  Almost everything is related and obtained from sources of this wide web that is spread all across the world for our benefits.

If you look around you will see that there are help available through dedicated companies like us,who help students in any problem that they encounter. You can ask about any query on any matter to them who have a team of best individuals working to deliver you with results.

For example, if you are a Computer Science student you may have a lot of assignments and may also face a lot troubles while you are still learning the subject. It is observed that students face a lot of difficulty while reading for the first time and learning about this wonder. Also being a Computer Science student is no piece of cake. So what happens is that, in order to fully learn about it, students take help of companies who provide services in against of very little money. Well, this is a newer concept that has made its headway in to the lives of people. Also what is very wonderful is that these companies work in such a dedicated manner in order to provide help to people. But does by only receiving education make a person literate? What are your views? Think about it?

Mostly, if you see education does not only refer to getting information from books so that they can utilize it for their career. Complete education in major sense involves all round development of an individual. Only studying books and learning them does not make a person literate. Literacy truly means to utilize the knowledge and wisdom that you have and share them with the world.

You can properly shape your future if you effectively utilize the education that you were fortunate enough to receive. Many are there still in these worlds, which are so poor that they cannot get basic education due to unavoidable circumstances that they face in their lives. So if you have education that is readily available to you, feel fortunate enough for that. Given the fact that you can use education for your survival is something like a boon that you have.

It is definitely your responsibility to give something back to society with the education that you have received so far. Make others who are not fortunate enough get education from you.

Remember always that you have an advantage of living with basic amenities of life where you have shelter, food, clothing and education; all that you need to properly shape your life. Not all are so fortunate enough.

Go ahead, lead out a hand, and make this world a better place to live.