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What Are the Points to Grab Cent Percent Marks in Chemistry?

by Aug 22, 2016Chemistry

Achieving good score in any subject is most important nowadays, and often that determines our career.As you all might be aware that, if your subject is your passion then scoring is not so difficult. Whereas, there may be other subjectswhich you may not like at all. One such considered fearful subjects by a majority of the student is Chemistry. Many students find it extremely difficult to score in their examinations. If you too think that, ‘chemistry’ is a very tough subject and you are looking for ways to overcome it and score top in it, then here are some tips for you which might be helpful.
Become passionate
You cannot succeed anywhere in life unless you are passionate and have the right spirit for it. Same goes with any student for their passion about any subject. Now if we talk about Chemistry,eventually it may look disgusting or meaningless initially, still you have to be patient.

  • There is always a deep underlying physical meaning in every subject of science. Try to dig it out.
  • This canbe done by giving yourself enough time to grasp the concept and see its applications.
  • Accept from your heart that this is a very useful subject that you are learning.

All the common products that you see aroundlikerubber,plastic, brick, cement, iron for building your house, etc.all are results out of chemistry.The healthy organic foods, salon products, diet drinks, sugar-free sweets, medicines, all of these are prepared with the help of chemistry of some form or the other.
How to study better
For academic purposes and scoring in your tests,some techniques can make studying chemistryfaster and easier.

  • Make a strict schedule for studying and allot a considerable amount of time for chemistry.
  • Try to begin studying with a fresh and free mind. Taking a shower or meditationbefore studies are often useful.
  • First, aim at finishing your homework as given from school, if any.You might face difficulties and doubts in them. Try to solve as much as possible with the help of your books.

Chemistry involves memorizing lots of chemical reactions especially for ‘conversions’ in the organic parts, which may seem painful.If the concept of their ‘mechanisms’ can be grasped, then it will be a lot easier to remember those reactions.Learning and memorizing can also be done with the help of real-life examples and analogies.The more you practice writing answers and solving problems, the more it contributes to weed out your phobia about chemistry exams and make you more confident.
Try to stick to your academic courses and do not stray away much from it. Reference books are useful for understanding purposes and solving tough problems but do not read too much of them neglecting the main course books. Remember physical chemistry is the basic part of the subject and without understanding it completely, you should not go to the tough portions of organic chemistry.
Duties in class
Your work is not limited just to your home. When you go to your school or institution, you have some duties there too.Discuss the subject thoroughly with your friends and classmates including the problems that you are facing.Most of the time, many doubts are cleared in such group discussions.You can pose the remaining doubts to your teachers for solutions. You should ask them to explain thoroughly and more than once if you feel necessary.Interact with the teachers during classes and lectures and ask questions whenever you have doubt.Such interactions not only develop your understanding skills, but they also boost your self-confidence.
In the laboratory
Chemistry is hugely dependent on laboratory experiments and practicals. Laboratoriesare indispensable for science subjects like chemistry. Special attentions should be givento the lab works.Thorough understanding of chemistry is required while doing experiments too. In fact, all your learning is tested during such experiments.Before jumping into doing experiments, try to know about all the experimental apparatus and the procedures to use them. You should try to know the exact procedures of doing an experiment before actually performing it – about the efficient tricks and even what may go wrong.Your teachers and the laboratory assistants will always be there to help you in understanding and performing the experiments.
You should also try to understand the theory behind the experiments that is carried out from your books.It may take a considerable amount of time being efficient in performing experiments, so do not get frustrated if you fail a few times initially.
During the exams
No matter how much you study all throughout the year or it all boils down to the day of your examination.Do not let anything go wrong during your tests and spoil all your hard work.Give at least the first ten minutes to read the questions properly, mark out the questions that you are well prepared for and try to attempt those questions first. You must add necessary examples to your answers, equations, reactions and diagrams wherever the question demands (even if not mentioned).
If the answer involves calculations, then do those calculations minutely and fairly. Remember the slightest mistake in calculations will fetch failure.During the practical examinations, try to stay calm and do not panic. If you have learned well during your practical classes, then you can do well during the test too.
Do not get disappointed seeing this long list of tips. They are the best ways to get high marks in chemistry along with thorough understanding of the subject. Always remember there is no shortcut route leading to success. So get on with this! Go ahead! Score maximum and be a successful student!